November 18, 2014
Not just hearers only, but doers of the Word. Many enjoy a good sermon and think how good it is that the person next to them is getting it. Yet a few will hear the Word and repent in tears, not worrying about those around them. Don’t let the Word go in one ear and out the other. Do what it says.
November 17, 2014
This proverb encourages us to be responsible stewards of all that God has given us. This begins with knowing the state of your “flocks.” What are your “flocks?” Another way to ask this question would be to say, “What has God entrusted to you to manage?” Do you know the state of your finances? Do you have a budget and do you know how much you spend monthly? Are you saving for emergencies, retirement, college…? What is the state of your marriage? What is the state of your children? If you are a pastor, the state of your flock is relevant. If you are in business, do you know the condition of your store and its bottom line? Many of us go through life with a blind eye towards our “flocks.” But God would have us open our eyes and “know the state” of that which He has entrusted to us.
November 16, 2014
This prayer for our equipping and sanctification reveals God’s method for making us “pleasing to him.” It is none other than the power of Christ in us. We can pray this prayer too. Praying it for ourselves, we yield our wills to His, and acknowledge our dependence on Christ’s power. Praying it for others, we focus on Christ-at-work in others, rather than their shortcomings.
November 15, 2014
The image of God as a devouring ( KJV “consuming”) fire is one that seeks to reveal the strictness of his justice, the purity of his holiness and the passion of his love for us. We may boldly approach him through Christ, our Great High Priest, yet we do so reminded of how Moses approached the mountain with fear and trembling.
November 14, 2014
Ezekiel, like many of God’s prophets, was not respected by his contemporaries. He was tasked with making known God’s future plans for men and nations that would soon come to pass. Yet, no generation wants its comfort disturbed. They would rather risk the warnings of an approaching hurricane than leave their beach vacation early. Today, Ezekiel is respected. His prophecies have been borne out. But people have not changed. God’s Word is still warning us to get ready, while much of humanity continues in its deafness to His voice. This does not excuse us from being like Ezekiel and warning them anyway. We do this for God’s approval, not theirs.
November 13, 2014
What started as a prophecy against the king of Tyre, ended up being a description of Satan’s origin and fall. Perhaps the connection is that the pride of beauty, power and wisdom tempted both of them to sin. Some would say that pride is the root of sin. Saying, “I will,” rather than “If God wills” is the attitude that leads to disobedience. Thus, the proverb, “Pride goeth before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18).
November 12, 2014
The assumption that the origin of the universe can be extrapolated from its present visible condition is here denied. The Bible teaches that God spoke the universe into existence, ex nihilo – out of nothing. We were not there when this happened, but God has revealed this to us through His Word. According to Hebrews, those listed in chapter eleven’s “faith hall of fame” had a faith that included this foundational truth: God created the universe and we are His creation.
November 11, 2014
How can we “motivate one another?” By reminding one another of our full access to the Father through Christ’s sacrifice and by acknowledging our unwavering hope for the future because of God’s promise in Christ. Meeting together regularly for worship and mutual encouragement fans the flame of our passion for God. With power for the present, hope for the future and mutual encouragement, we are free to love and do the good works that God planned for us in Christ.
November 10, 2014
This psalm of David reveals his secret strategy for success in battle, namely, “God’s help.” We often attempt “mighty things” with human strategies and plans, only to be defeated. We ask God’s help, but don’t submit to God’s way. When we face our Goliaths, we often fail because we face him wearing Saul’s armor, rather than the Shepherd’s garb.
November 9, 2014
Christ’s sacrifice was sufficient for the salvation of all who would receive it. He has paid our debt in full. When Christ returns, it will not be to “deal with our sins,” for He has finished that work. Jesus has already brought us out from under sin’s penalty. He will return to bring us into His glory and presence forever.