November 9, 2014
Christ’s sacrifice was sufficient for the salvation of all who would receive it. He has paid our debt in full. When Christ returns, it will not be to “deal with our sins,” for He has finished that work. Jesus has already brought us out from under sin’s penalty. He will return to bring us into His glory and presence forever.
November 8, 2014
The two rooms of the Tabernacle were symbolic of the spiritual separation existing between God and man. Only priests could enter the first room called the Holy Place. And only the High Priest could enter the second room called the Most Holy Place, and then only once a year on the Day of Atonement. Yet, when Christ died on the cross, the curtain of separation was rent and the way to the Father was opened. Because of Jesus we may approach the throne of God, clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Jesus has opened the way for us, not by having us keep religious “regulations,” but by believing in Him and receiving Him in relationship as Lord and Savior.
November 7, 2014
The old covenant was a foreshadowing of the new one, which has now come into view through Jesus. The old covenant was a “copy” of the real one in heaven that was revealed to Moses. It acted as a tutor, teaching and pointing towards its fulfillment in Christ. “But now” that Jesus has come, the old covenant has fulfilled its use. The new covenant is enacted and the old one is replaced. Now Christ Jesus, serves in the heavenly temple as our Great High Priest. Since Jesus is the One come down from heaven and whom has returned to heaven, his character and ministry is “superior” in every way to the copy that only foreshadowed his appearing. Jesus has fulfilled every prophecy of the old covenant, including Jeremiah’s, which spoke of a new covenant that would be written on human hearts rather than stone.
November 6, 2014
The Psalmist’s questions beg the answer, “No one.” How can we number the glorious actions of our God? He is omnipotent and eternal. Who knows what He has done, is doing, or will do? A list of these miracles would needs be infinite too. And how can we ever praise Him adequately? Our lives are too brief and our lungs too small to worship Him long and loudly enough. Yet, in Jesus’ name, we will have eternity to try.
November 5, 2014
There is a type of idol that is unseen, but is just as surely built and worshiped in the human heart. This idol of the heart comes between us and God. Those elevated to leadership must recognize their particular vulnerability to this type of idolatry. These idols are not made with wood nor stone, but with a prideful lust for power and position. It causes a kind of religious self-delusion and makes us susceptible to sin. It makes our prayer life ineffective. Remove the thing that has stolen your heart and taken first place ahead of loving God. Repent and make the Lord your first love, so that you might know God’s forgiveness and experience fellowship with Him in prayer!
November 4, 2014
Self aggrandizement is unwise. If you praise yourself, others will not only remain silent, they will think you immodest. Praise from a friend is good and praise from a stranger better still. An even greater tact is to humble yourself, so that the Lord Himself might lift you up (James 4:10).
November 3, 2014
The author of Hebrews explained that the basic teachings about Christ had to be covered again with them, because they were not growing in their understanding of God’s Word. There are believers like this in every generation. They receive the Word, but don’t grow in it. Hebrews does not question their belief, but it does accuse them of spiritual dullness and failure to listen to God’s Word. People who don’t grow in God’s Word are subject to every wind of doctrine and false teaching. Like spiritual babes they only want milk and not the meat of Christian teaching. They are encouraged to grow up in their understanding, so that God’s Word affects their discernment of right and wrong.
November 2, 2014
Jesus is our Great High Priest. He is well acquainted with all of our “weaknesses” because he has experienced them too. Therefore, we can pray with boldness in the Name of Jesus, knowing that he understands and will represent us before the Father. Jesus has opened the way for us, so that we can receive mercy and grace from God. He is our Great Advocate and Perfect Sacrifice because he became like us, yet without sin. We pray knowing that he hears and understands us.
November 1, 2014
When God gave a word to Ezekiel, he was instructed to apply it to his “own heart first,” before sharing it with other people. This is still the best instruction for those that would answer the call to be preachers and teachers of God’s Word. They should always first apply it to their own hearts and lives before delivering it to others. The preacher or teacher who does this will find their hearts set afire for the task. And will remove much of the risk of seeming hypocritical in application. Let the word “sink deep” in you before telling others!
October 31, 2014
Receiving Christ’s sacrifice on the cross as payment for our sins we are made children of God. This faith transaction changes our status in at least three ways: 1) Holiness – Christ took our sin upon Himself offering His righteousness in return. 2) Life – Christ took our death, so we might have eternal life. 3) Adoption – Christ was forsaken by the Father, so that we might be adopted as children of God. Christ died to accomplish this and He arose, so that He might lead us into this salvation. Receiving salvation our status is changed forever. And Jesus is “not ashamed” to call us His own.