May 26, 2014
Psalm 119 is not only the longest psalm. It is the longest chapter in the Bible. It is an acrostic poem with 22 stanzas based on the Hebrew alphabet. This verse is found in the stanza beginning with Hebrew’s 7th letter “zayin.” It speaks of God’s “promise” which comforts the psalmist in his troubles. It doesn’t name which promise. It could be one of many. Psalm 119 is an anthem to God’s Word. It celebrates his laws, promises, statutes, words, decrees, etc. (and many other synonyms for “word.” How many can you find?). When I feel troubled, I often find solace in God’s promises. The Lord is a promise-making and a promise-keeping God. I meditate on his promises and find comfort there. Today, I am encouraged by his promise to always be with us, even until the end of the age. If I have his presence, I have him and all his promises too.
May 25, 2014
This prophecy was given to David through the prophet Nathan when he asked to build the Lord a temple to house the Ark. God told David that he was not the one to build him a temple, but that his son would be. This prophecy had both an immediate and an ultimate fulfillment. It was immediately fulfilled in David’s son, Solomon, who built a glorious temple to house the Ark of the Covenant. Yet, this temple was destroyed. Centuries later, another one was born to the house of David named Jesus. He is the ultimate fulfillment of this Davidic promise. He is both the Chief Cornerstone and the Builder of this eternal temple, which is the Church of the living God.
May 24, 2014
Our greatest apology to the world is that we love one another. Intellectual arguments for creation, philosophical proofs for truth, and existential equations of reason are all helpful. But our most powerful persuasion is love. Loving one another we will “prove to the world” that we are disciples of Jesus.
May 23, 2014
The one who leaves Jesus and his disciples to go “out into the night” will hurt Christ and his church, but in the end will be the one most harmed by that decision. That is what sin does. It caused Adam to hide in the shadows of the garden from the Lord. It caused Saul to search for answers under cover of darkness from a medium. Sin always leads to separation. Sin goes “out into the night” to do its work. But the righteous walk in the light of day. They do not leave the Lord’s table. They stay even when the Lord rebukes as he did Peter saying, “Satan has asked to sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you.” Don’t give into sin’s pull. When the Lord speaks of washing feet, suffering and dying for him, stay. It will seem easier and perhaps even beneficial to leave the table. Yet, no matter how difficult the Lord’s Word is for you, stay at the table. Do not go “out into the night.”
May 22, 2014
Every stone in the Hebrew Temple was inspected for flaws by the builders. The stones where cut from a quarry some distance away and had to not only fit their designated location in the Temple, but they had to be without imperfection to support its weight. Of all the stones in the Temple the cornerstone had to be the most perfect for it anchored the corner of the building. Jesus quoted this Psalm to the Jewish religious leaders to illustrate how they had rejected him as God’s Messiah (Matt. 21:42). Peter used this Psalm in his great Pentecost sermon to speak of Christ as its fulfillment (Acts 4:11) and 3,000 people believed that day. Jesus is not only a stone fit for our temple of faith, He is its Chief Cornerstone, the Stone upon which our whole Christian faith stands.
May 21, 2014
This was Jesus’ reply to Judas when he accused Mary of wasting an expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet that could have been sold to help the poor. Judas sounded pious as he judged Mary’s offering as wasteful. Yet, Jesus knew their hearts. He accepted Mary’s offering as appropriate worship from a pure heart. But he rebuked Judas knowing his was the heart of a thief and a betrayer. Jesus commented that the poor would “always” be around, but that this opportunity to worship Jesus would not. Poverty is the result of sin in this world. No amount of money can completely eradicate poverty. Yet, no one who has received the treasure of God’s Son can ever be poor again.
May 20, 2014
The shortest verse in the Bible is one of the most revealing. Did Jesus cry because Lazarus was dead? No. He knew he was about to raise him from the grave. I think he cried because Mary cried. He was sympathetic to her loss and grief. But mainly, I think he cried because he hated death. As the Life, death was anathema to his very being. He was so angry about the death that man’s sin had wrought that a sound like a snorting horse escaped his lips and tears fell down his cheeks. As he angrily approached Lazarus’ tomb, he commanded them to “roll the stone away!” Life said to Death, “Come forth!” And Lazarus was raised up and walked out of the tomb. Oh the depth of Christ’s passion for us! Oh the great love he has that he would take our death, so that we could receive his eternal Life.
May 19, 2014
David and his six hundred men hid in the caves of En Gedi while Saul’s troops searched for him. This was a difficult wilderness experience for David, but an important and formative season for him as well. He wrote many of his psalms during this time. He learned to lead his men and himself through difficulty by depending on the Lord. He experienced trial, hunger and suffering, yet God provided for him and his followers. This trial also revealed David’s heart of integrity, as he refused to murder the Lord’s anointed, Saul, when he found him vulnerable in a cave. David’s days in the caves of En Gedi prepared him for his days on the throne in Jerusalem.
May 18, 2014
Some thought Jesus “demon possessed and out of his mind” when they heard him speak of his coming death and resurrection. Certainly, they are closer to the truth than those who would make Jesus merely a good man or a good teacher. A mere man doesn’t speak of having the “authority,” the power to control his life, so that no one can take it from him unless he gives it willingly. And further, that having given it, he could “take it up again.” No, in this his critics rightly understood his claim. For if Jesus doesn’t actually fulfill his outrageous claim to die sacrificially and rise again, then he is either a devilish liar or a raving lunatic. Yet, Jesus did fulfill his promise to die for us and rise again. And so, he spoke the truth and showed himself more than mere man. He is neither liar or lunatic. He is the Lord.
May 17, 2014
Our heart condition determines how we perceive life. Yet, how do we have a “happy heart?” David knew something about this. When life circumstances turned from bad to worse around him, the Bible says that he “encouraged himself in the Lord” (1 Sam. 30:6 KJV). His circumstances didn’t immediately change, but his heart did. And when our heart changes, we see possibilities rather than limitations. Is your life full of trouble or like a continual feast? Perhaps it’s more a matter of your heart than your circumstances.