February 24, 2014
Jesus explained that sin begins with an attitude of the heart before it becomes a behavior. Focusing on changing the behavior is unfruitful when only faith in Jesus will change the heart. The human heart is born with an attitude of rebellion against God saying, “My will,” rather than “Your will be done.” This teaching of Jesus also served notice that certain Pharisaical cleanliness laws were human additions to the Mosaic law and therefore not binding. This is an example of the saying that “law begets law.” The Pharisees had not lightened the burden of the people, instead they had added to it.
February 23, 2014
A sharpened saw cuts more efficiently, but you have to take a break from sawing long enough to sharpen the blade. Long before Covey wrote “The 7 Habits,” Jesus taught His disciples to pull away with Him to rest. Working without rest results in diminishing returns. A rhythm of work and rest produces the best outcome. This rest must include certain aspects: 1) “Let’s” – Spiritual rest means time alone with Jesus, 2) “go off” – Physical rest requires a pulling away from work completely. 3) “by ourselves” – Social rest involves time away from others, and 4) “quiet place” – Mental rest means a place where input from various media is cut off, so that the mental faculties can recover. When we follow Jesus in this rhythm of work and rest, we discover new strength and insight for life.
February 22, 2014
The Lord gave many types of laws to the Jewish people. These laws might be put in three categories: 1) Moral, 2) Ceremonial and 3) Civil. Moral laws are perpetual, revealing the character of God and showing us to how treat both God and man. Ceremonial laws have to do with the temple worship, holy days, and sacrificial system. Civil laws have the effect of setting the Jews apart as God’s peculiar people. The laws concerning diseases of the skin seem to fall into the last two categories: ceremonial and civil. The “unclean” condition of one with a skin disease makes them ceremonially unacceptable to take part in corporate worship. And it also makes them a danger to the civil community, as their skin condition may be communicable. The specificity of these “cleanliness” laws is astounding considering that medical science didn’t understand the invisible agents called germs until the late 19th century discoveries of Louis Pasteur. The cleaning of items that came into contact with the individual, the burning of clothes and bedding, the quarantine of the individual until the course of the disease is determined, these are all huge advancements for that day.
February 21, 2014
This woman had suffered with a continuous issue of blood for 12 years. She had bankrupted herself spending on doctors but found no relief. Her condition meant that by Levitical law she was unclean. She could not enter the Temple to bring sacrifice. She could not be with her husband or touch another human being, for that would make them unclean as well. She was like a societal leper. She risked everything by being in that crowd following Jesus. She risked even more by touching the hem of His robe. Yet, her faith was rewarded. After 12 terrible years, she was instantly healed with just a touch. But she didn’t get away with a stolen miracle. Jesus took notice. He knew. He called her “Daughter,” welcoming her to the family of faith. Her impurity had not made Jesus unclean, but His holiness had been transmitted to her making her whole.
February 20, 2014
Jesus and the Twelve crossed to the Eastern side of the Sea of Galilee to a Gentile region known as the the Gerasenes near the Decapolis (Ten Cities). They went through a terrible storm on the way across that so terrified the disciples that Jesus had to calm it. Then, as soon as they landed they were met by a demon-possessed man that lived in the tombs. After Jesus cast the demons out into a nearby herd of pigs, the locals were so afraid of Jesus that they begged Him to leave. The healed demoniac however, begged to go with Jesus. Instead, Jesus appointed him to go to the Decapolis and tell what God had done. When we read this story, it appears that Jesus crossed over to a Gentile land, in spite of a terrible storm, to heal and ordain one demoniac to be a disciple. Jesus is still calling us to cross over to the other side to call those that He wants to save.
February 19, 2014
I miss my mother, especially on Friday mornings. I used to phone her around 10 AM every Friday. She would have received my weekly sermon tape in the mail by then and would have already listened to it. I would call and she would answer, usually by the second ring. Then, she would begin to tell me how good the sermon was, how proud she was of me and ask a thousand questions about every detail of my life, about my wife, my kids and me since the previous week. Who else but your mom has such an interest in you? I’ll tell you who… the Lord. “He delights in every detail” of your life. And I don’t have to phone or wait until Friday. I can tell Him every detail at any time and He always hears me.
February 18, 2014
The Lord taught the Israelites that one who was found guilty of stealing had offended two parties: the one they stole from and the Lord Himself. He gave them instructions on paying restitution to the victim and how to find forgiveness from the Lord too. In this way, the victim was made whole and the thief also. Of course, paying back the full price plus 20% was humanly possible to the victim, but repaying God involved an awareness of impossibility. A sacrifice would have to be made for guilt. In this the Law pointed to the need for a Savior. The Law is still useful in this. It shows us how to be made right with those we offend on earth and also makes us aware that we need Someone to make us right with Heaven. A modern civil question emerges from this: How does our present day prison system accomplish what Mosaic law did? Does putting a thief in prison make the victim whole? Does it satisfy their offense to God? How could a modern society better apply Scriptural principles to its judicial system?
February 17, 2014
The Pharisees brought out the full range of emotion from our Lord Jesus. When He tried to show them the spirit of the Sabbath, they clung to the letter of the law, even that which they themselves had added to it. He asked them a simple question, one that begged a correct response. He asked whether the law permitted good on the Sabbath or evil? They wouldn’t reply. So, he put the man with the withered hand before the whole assembly in the synagogue and healed him. The man and his family rejoiced, but the Pharisees left angry, plotting with the Herodians, whom they normally hated, to plot the killing of Jesus. This scene caused conflicting emotions in Jesus. He was both angry and sad. Angry at the sinful pride that wouldn’t answer His question. And sad at the hard hearts that wouldn’t listen.
February 16, 2014
The sacrificial system was designed to prepare God’s people to receive Christ as Savior. He was to be a male, from their house (herd), and without sin (defect). They would be made right with God if they would accept His death in their place to purify them from all their sin. Christ is the fulfillment of the sacrificial system. He was the Lamb that was slain. Now He is the Great High Priest who represents us before the Father with His own blood. One day, He will return as King to claim His own.
February 15, 2014
John the Baptist was God’s appointed Messianic forerunner, coming in the spirit of Elijah, announcing the coming of the Christ. John’s birth was surrounded by miraculous events: an angel’s announcement, a priestly father’s doubting muteness, a barren mother’s pregnancy, an unborn baby leaping with the Spirit’s joy. John was larger than life. Jesus called him the greatest ever born of woman. Yet, John knew his role. He was merely the herald of the coming King. He was a servant of the One who would baptize us not with water, but with the Holy Spirit.