December 15, 2013
After three chapters of judgment, God spoke of a future day when the nations would “study war no more.” But this peace cannot precede judgment. Otherwise, the seeds of the next war would be contained therein. Many asked Micah to stop preaching such stuff. Too negative. But Micah replied with the word of the Lord, “Do not my words do good to him who walks uprightly?” In other words, the one who “walks uprightly” understands that real peace is more than the cessation of hostilities. It is the changing of the human heart that comes only through the Lord, that fills everyone with love and forgiveness.
December 14, 2013
John wept because no one was found that could open the scroll with the seven seals. Then, one of the elders (possibly Peter or Matthew, since both were already martyred), pointed out One that was standing between the Throne and four living creatures. This One was both the “Root” and the “Branch” (Isaiah 11:1) of David, pointing to both His preexistence and incarnation. He was the “Lion of Judah” reflecting His royal birthright. Yet even more significant was His identity as the One who had “conquered,” defeating sin, death and the grave by His sacrificial death and resurrection. When John saw Him take the scroll, he witnessed the most wonderful worship erupt in heaven as they all sang, “Worthy is the Lamb!” And his tears turned to joy!
December 13, 2013
This psalm of ascent calls the Lord to remember His promise to David, that the Messiah would be born in his line. The psalmist wrote this for worshipers to sing as they climbed Zion’s hill, urging God to keep His promise to send the Anointed One. “Of your body” is an unusual phrase in the Hebrew, literally, “of the fruit of your womb.” Of course, David had no womb. But Mary did.
December 12, 2013
Amos was a blue-collar prophet. Unlike Samuel who grew up in the tabernacle and called as a child, Amos was called as a grown man who already had a vocation. Be careful about putting God’s calling in a box. You may think God does it this way or that. But He doesn’t do encores. And its never too late with God. After all, He called Moses at age 80! God calls whom He wills, when He wills, how He wills. Answering that call is ours to do. Yet, may I say that I have never seen anyone more miserable than the one called who declines. When God calls, hear and follow.
December 11, 2013
Those with anger management problems cause trouble and sin everywhere they go. There is an appropriate emotional response of anger. God gets angry. But God’s anger is under His control. However, the “man of wrath” acts out of uncontrolled anger. Anger controls him. Ironically, “control” is often at the heart of the “one given to anger.” This person is continually angry because they want to be in control of every situation. They have no patience for others and their opinions. They want control. And anger and frustration is their constant state. Why? Because they cannot even gain control of themselves.
Are you angry today? Easily frustrated? Is it because you aren’t getting your way? Give your anger to God. Ask Him to give you patience and self-control. Trust Him with control of your life. Give him your relationships. And watch the boiling temp of your heart finally go calm.
December 10, 2013
Since Jesus has called us to a relationship, He cares about our love. The church at Ephesus was commended by Christ for their works, endurance and doctrine. Yet, He questioned the priority of their love. He called them back to the passion they had when they first began. Jesus cares as much for our attitude as our action. He wants our hearts afire with a love for Him that worships out of passionate devotion, not religious duty.
December 9, 2013
The book of Revelation contains a multifaceted promise: 1) That the one who reads it to the church will be blessed, 2) that the listener will be blessed, 3) that the one who obeys its instruction will be blessed, and 4) that the time of the end is near. I had the privilege of reading chapter one of this book aloud to a group of believers on the island of Patmos. Together, we experienced a taste of this promise.
December 8, 2013
Our plans for building a house for our family, or for the church may be well-intended, but will not succeed without the Lord. Can you furnish your house with love, joy and peace without the Spirit of God? It is good that you work to provide food, shelter and education for your kids, but who will shepherd their hearts? Who will save their souls? Who will prepare them for eternity? When we decide to BE the family of God, He will BUILD the house. As Jesus told Peter, “Upon this rock, I will build my church.” Let God build your house.
December 7, 2013
The principle of sowing and reaping is found throughout the Bible. The principle involves at least two features: 1) You reap according to what you sow. You sow grass, you get grass. Sow weeds, get weeds. 2) You reap more than you sow. This is the principle of multiplication.
We can choose to sow good seed even in seasons of suffering. Even when it is tempting to eat the seed rather than sow it. When we sow good seed, we can trust the Lord with the harvest. And when the time for reaping comes, He turns our weeping into joy.
December 6, 2013
The prophet Hosea records this stinging accusation from God about Israel. Notice how God lists His concerns: First, He describes the brokenness of their relationship with Him, then He details the brokenness of their relationships with one another. As it regarded their relationship with God, He accused them of three “No”s– No faithfulness, no love, and no knowledge. These three “no”s were not only God’s priority concern, but they also led to His secondary concern, namely the breakdown of their human relationships, both family and civilization. In summary, they failed to keep the Great Commandment: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.