February 27, 2013
This is the confession of a man who desperately wanted to believe, but still had doubts. This doesn’t sound like the greatest of confessions, yet Jesus healed the man’s son nonetheless. Jesus still answers the prayers of those who have a mixture of doubt and belief. The important thing is to confess the doubt, saying, “Jesus, help my unbelief! Increase my faith!” We all begin our journey with Jesus with a “mustard seed” of faith. Following Him, the seed grows into a tree, overshadowing all our doubts, so that only our believing remains.
February 26, 2013
David described the longing of his soul for God. The brilliant French physicist and philosopher, Pascal, proposed that such a longing was present in every human heart, saying, “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus” (Blaise Pascal, Pensees). People try to fill this longing with other things, which explains the misery of many. But the human soul can only find its fullest satisfaction in Christ.
February 25, 2013
During this season of Christ’s ministry he told people to keep quiet. Some say because it wasn’t yet His time. Others say He was trying to stay off the Roman radar. But it may have been because He didn’t want undue attention on His miracles. John called Christ’s miracles “signs.” They were to point to who He was, not to what He could do. Many crowded after Him for the free bread, not because He was the Bread of Life. Our witness is to be less about the healing and more about the Healer. Less the manna and more the Son of Man. The gospel is not so much what Jesus can do for you, but what He has already done. We preach Christ crucified.
February 24, 2013
This is both call to worship and benediction. Seeking the Lord, may you be full of joy and gladness in Him. Finding salvation, may you swell with such chesed love that you shout of God’s greatness.
February 23, 2013
The heart without love is easily offendable. It looks for offense and strikes back to defend. It leaves a trail of broken relationships in its wake. But the heart of love is hard to offend because it thinks of others ahead of itself. It has no need to defend or protect because love is its strong tower. Where ever the heart of love goes, healing and reconciliation happen. Are you overly sensitive and easily offendable? Ask God to examine your heart.
February 22, 2013
Jesus taught the principle that “two are better than one” (Eccl.4:9). He trained His disciples in team evangelism. We see this pattern repeated in the book of Acts with Paul and Barnabbas and other duos. Christianity is not a solo act. We are called to be the Body of Christ. We are called to a team. Do you have a partner sharing your life mission?
February 21, 2013
Jairus, the synagogue ruler, had begged Jesus to come to his house to heal his daughter, but before they could arrive, people came saying she was already dead. At this, Jesus spoke to Jairus to calm his heart and focus his mind, pointing him away from fear and towards believing. Do you have a mixture of fear and faith in you? The voice of Christ calls us to “only believe.”
February 20, 2013
The disciples were afraid of the storm outside the boat until they awoke Jesus. Then, they were afraid of the One inside the boat. We say that we believe and trust Jesus fully. Yet when life’s storms come, we discover the true measure of our faith. The disciples thought they knew the size of Jesus’ power, but it took a terrifying tempest to enlarge their understanding.
February 19, 2013
How we handle money and possessions reveals much about our hearts. The one with integrity not only repays their debts, but gives generously to those in need. The one with a wicked heart avoids even repaying what is owed, much less being a giver to others. Has your heart’s believing in Christ affected your hand’s behavior as regards money? Integrity is having your heart and hands in agreement.
February 18, 2013
David wrote this psalm describing ways to offer yourself to God and the outcome of such a life devoted to Him. “Trust” – Put your faith in the Lord. “Delight” – Find your joy in the Lord. “Commit” – Decide in advance to do things God’s way no matter what. “Be still” – Remember to listen for the Lord’s voice in prayer. His answer will quiet your fretting heart. Have you tried approaching the Lord in these four ways?