November 28, 2012
Wealth isn’t the problem. It’s the attitude of wanting wealth quickly, of a willingness to take any shortcut, no matter the ethic. The one who works to earn over a long time, knows the value of things and how to manage. The one who obtains quickly, loses it the same way. Easy come, easy go. And with that, “trouble.” Those who believe this proverb, won’t waste their dollar on a lottery ticket, but will invest it instead.
November 27, 2012
Don’t head out into the darkness without a light to shine the way. Every morning we face a new day. Perhaps we think that the experiences of the days behind us will inform our direction forward, but who knows what a new day holds? Only the Lord. Stop stumbling and groping through life, blindly facing another day. Let God’s Word light your way.
November 26, 2012
Don’t be like the antelope that wandered from the herd only to be eaten by the lions. Stay alert and stay together! The Church is the body of Christ and we need each other. Begin your week worshiping together and gather during the week in one another’s homes, devoting yourselves to the Word, the fellowship, the breaking of bread and to prayer. Stay with the “herd” and stand firm together against the evil one.
November 25, 2012
Daniel learned to live for God as an exile in a fallen world. He understood his dual citizenship. He looked to the Lord rather than human government for hope. Understanding the temporary nature of worldly kingdoms, he trusted his future to God. Yet, the Lord lifted him up and called him to serve in a position of influence in Babylon.
November 24, 2012
It is not just the way we spell “Christmas” that is taking Jesus out of the season. It is the celebration of consumerism that is caustic to our souls. Why not join the Advent Conspiracy and “keep away from worldly desires” this season? Spend less. Give more. Worship fully. Love all. Put Christ back in Christmas.
November 23, 2012
“Think clearly and exercise self-control” – A good word on Black Friday. “Look forward to salvation in Jesus” – A good goal on any and every day!
November 22, 2012
Praise and thanks to God for salvation through His Son, Jesus! Happy Thanksgiving!
November 21, 2012
From the longest chapter in the Bible, found at the very center of the Book, this Psalm is an acrostic poem that spells out the 22-letter Hebrew alphabet. Psalm 119 celebrates God’s Word. Verse 11 reminds us of the importance of “hiding” the Word in our hearts through memorization. It also offers the benefit of such, by showing us how Scripture can help us resist sin. Wasn’t that the battle plan of Jesus vs. Satan in Matt. 4? Christ quoted Scripture to every Satanic temptation. Are you hiding God’s Word in your heart?
November 20, 2012
This prophecy that the Jewish leaders would reject Jesus as Messiah came true. Yet He is the Founder and Finisher of our faith. He is the Chief Cornerstone of the Church. And when He is finished building the Church, He will be the Capstone as well, returning to take us with Him.
November 19, 2012
Even Solomon, who God used to write this proverb, led Israel’s decline into idolatry and “moral rot.” If God’s chosen nation was susceptible, then any nation is. Americans are increasingly of the opinion that moral character is a private matter that has no bearing on public competence. However, the Bible says that character and competence cannot be separated. Morality matters.