November 18, 2012
Speaking before listening is like lighting anger’s fuse. Many an argument might be avoided by listening before speaking. Once anger is lit, angry words are spoken that can never be taken back. Two ears, one mouth = double your listening, cut your speaking in half. Are you listening?
November 17, 2012
God’s promise to Israel after it fell to Babylon. He promised them a spiritual heart transplant. This is fulfilled in Christ. We no longer have laws written on stone tablets, but Christ’s love written on our hearts. This is the prophecy of the New Covenant, which is ours in Christ.
November 16, 2012
A reminder that marriage is not merely a social construct, but a divine ordinance instituted by God. As a people, we are to “give honor” to the institution of marriage. As individuals, we are to “remain faithful” to our spouses in marriage. Marriage was God’s idea, not man’s. It is a gift from God. Like any gift He gives, we can dishonor it and experience hurt. Or we can honor it and know divine blessing.
November 15, 2012
The heart is the seat of the intellect, passion and will. It is the motive behind every action. You can hide your heart from other people for a season, but ultimately some circumstance will expose it’s true nature. Only God can give you a new heart. What does your heart reveal about you?
November 14, 2012
A reminder that we are running a race that many faithful have run before us. They endured. They finished well. How will we run life’s race? Will we “strip off” worldly weights that slow us down? Will we avoid the sin that trips us up? There is a crowd of faithful finishers watching and waiting for us to cross life’s finish line! How are you running life’s race of faith?
November 13, 2012
A psalm that begins with “Hallelujah!” This psalm speaks of the author’s firm intention to be thankful as he meets with other believers in worship. An attitude of gratitude doesn’t come natural. We must choose to be thankful. Thankfulness and worship are connected. Both are responses to God’s wonderful grace. Thankfulness is a decided attitude. Have you decided to be thankful?
November 12, 2012
Sola Fide (Faith alone). God is not pleased by our effort, but by our faith. It is Christ’s work that satisfied God. It is our faith in Christ’s finished work that pleases Him.
November 11, 2012
Don’t neglect meeting together with other believers. We need mutual encouragement and especially as the Day of Christ’s return draws near. Will we see you at church today?
November 10, 2012
God is still looking for men who will “stand in the gap” for their families, communities and nation. Who will it be?
November 9, 2012
Christ has already dealt with sin’s penalty of death. Now we await His promised return to remove us from sin’s presence and to unite with Him in glory.