November 7, 2012
There is a reality more real than ours, a worship more true, a ministry more effective and a Priest more perfect. We do not lean therefore, on our own worship, ministry and human leaders. They only point to Jesus and His work. We lean on Christ alone.
November 6, 2012
Are your friendships based on flattery or fidelity? Are your ears open to correction? A true friend will tell you the truth about you. What kind of friends have you chosen to hear?
November 5, 2012
There is an idol that no one can see outwardly, but is just as surely built up and worshiped in the human heart. This idol of the heart comes between us and God. It causes a religious self-delusion and makes one susceptible to sin. It makes prayer ineffective. Remove the thing that has stolen your heart and taken first place ahead of loving God! Make God your first love.
November 4, 2012
We put dates on our calendars and plan for events a year in advance, yet we have no promise of tomorrow. Be careful not to brag of your plans. Instead say, “Lord willing…” (James 4:15). Or as those in the South say, “Lord willin and the criks don’t rise…” Or as the old preacher of my youth taught me to say, “If the Lord delays His comin and lets me live another day, I plan to be doin such and such tomorrow!”
November 3, 2012
The Psalmist reminds us to continually search for God and His strength. This is an important daily discipline to learn. Don’t leave your house in your own strength. First, seek the Lord and draw on His renewing power. Learn to abide in Christ and in His enabling strength. Then you can join the apostle Paul in saying, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Phil.4:13)!
November 2, 2012
The Bible is made alive by the Spirit of God. Every generation who hears it, knows its power afresh. It is not just any book. It exposes our sin to us allowing the Spirit’s conviction. It reveals not only our true identity, but more significantly, it reveals God Himself to us. It is the most important Book on planet earth for by it comes hearing that leads to saving faith.
November 1, 2012
Ezekiel saw his first vision when he was 30. The 30th year was significant in Jewish life: The Levites began Temple service at 30. Jesus began his public ministry at age 30. On July 12 of 1988 I turned 30. God used this verse in Ezekiel to confirm my call to preach. I thought I had waited too long, but God showed me that it was just the right time.
October 31, 2012
This psalm of David illustrates his habit of bringing every area of his life before the Lord in examination and for realignment. He had the spiritual ability to take his eyes off of difficult circumstances and to focus them upon God. One of the ways he accomplished this was to command every part of himself to praise the Lord, numbering every blessing he could name. Perhaps this was the inspiration for the words in the old hymn: “Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings see what God hath done!”
October 30, 2012
The Psalmist cried out to God in lament, yet ended his prayer in praise, believing that God would care for his children and grandchildren. Even though the Psalmist’s life had been marked by difficulty, he prayed that his children’s children would “thrive!” Where are the grandfathers and grandmothers who pray this way today?
October 29, 2012
The first century church met in public places and house to house. Only a few years after Christ’s resurrection, house churches could be found in nearly every Roman city and town. This is how the Church began. Would you want the church to meet at your house?