Christ’s warning to the church at Laodicea. Because of its location half-way between the mountains and hot springs, Laodicea had trouble getting good water. The snow-capped Phrygian mountains above the city were a source of ice cold water, but b…
Christ’s warning to the church at Laodicea. Because of its location half-way between the mountains and hot springs, Laodicea had trouble getting good water. The snow-capped Phrygian mountains above the city were a source of ice cold water, but b…
The Psalmist wrote this to be sung while climbing the steps to the temple in Jerusalem. A song of ascent for worshipers of YHWH (Yahweh). Perhaps we should have such songs to sing as we go to church, then we would bring our worship into the house with us. I’m not counting on my credit card, my job, my government, even my preacher… I’m counting on the Lord! I know He will come through for me!
This reminds me of how God told Abraham about His impending judgment on Sodom (Gen.18:17). This is a strong statement. The Lord “never… until he reveals…” God has revealed His intent and plans to us through His Word. I’m not sure why He does this. I know He doesn’t have to. It must be because He has chosen us (as He did Abraham) and therefore has decided to reveal his plans to those who are faithful. God reveals His plans so that we have the opportunity to repent and petition Him for ourselves and others.
John had a vision of the Lord Jesus in all His glory on a Sunday morning while exiled on the Isle of Patmos. This happened while John was worshiping on the Lord’s Day. May we encounter Christ in our worship this Sunday morning too!
We labor and go into debt installing marble countertops, stainless steel appliances, hardwood floors and flat screen TVs, then wonder why our spouses are unhappy and our kids ungrateful. Give your house to the Lord. Invite Him to be the Builder. We need Christ to be both foundation and builder at our house and the church house too.
There is an answer for the nation that is under God’s judgment: Return to the Lord and desire to know Him. God is faithful. If we repent and desire to know Him, He will restore us and reveal Himself to us, just as surely as the coming dawn. This is the antidote for the nation that has lost the “knowledge of God” (Hos.4:1). Let us pursue knowing our God and let us teach the nations about Him.
The prophet Hosea was called to warn Israel as a nation. Israel’s unfaithfulness was considered adultery, as God called Himself Husband and Israel, His bride. Hosea warned that God had removed his favor and protection from Israel. Among Israel’s many sins was that there was “no knowledge of God” in the land any more. Is there “knowledge of God” in our nation? If not, be careful where you point the blame because God blamed Israel’s priests (Hos.4:4). Who are today’s priests? (Answer: 1 Peter 2:9).
John made it easy for his readers to understand his letter’s purpose: Assurance of salvation. John says that we can “know” that we have eternal life. Notice he doesn’t say that we can hope, think, wonder, pray… No, he says we can “know” with certainty that if we have received Jesus, we have eternal life!
“Perfect” – (teteleiōtai) has been brought to full development, complete, having finished or run the race to the end. This “perfect love” has no mixture of fear left in it. Fearless love.
Pray for peace in the City of Peace (Shalom in Jeru-shalom). To pray for shalom in Jerusalem is to practically pray for the Lord’s return, as He is the only one who can bring true peace. The most that men can broker is a cease-fire. The city of peace has probably been the center of more wars throughout the centuries than any other. Yet, we do pray for peace in Jerusalem.