December 2, 2012
The One speaking to Daniel had a similar appearance and effect as Christ did on John in Rev. 1. When we encounter God’s holiness (His wholly otherness and righteousness), it causes fear. Yet, Christ says, “Fear not. For you are very precious to God.” What joy! This is the message of Christmas: “Peace. Fear not. Be encouraged.” For Christ has come and is coming again!
December 1, 2012
This is a question of love. What/whom do you love with priority? This world or the Father? You can only have one first love. Those who love the Father first do not live by worldly cravings, but by a redeemed desire to please God.
November 30, 2012
Daniel’s vision of the coming Messiah. The Messianic title, “Son of Man,” was taken up by Jesus, especially as recorded in Luke’s gospel. Christ’s coming in the clouds to rule forever is a not-yet-fulfulled prophesy that Daniel saw. We celebrate His first coming at Christmas. Someday, we’ll celebrate His second coming as Daniel prophesied.
November 29, 2012
God’s timing is not yours. We must not become impatient because He is never late. He is always right on time.
November 28, 2012
Wealth isn’t the problem. It’s the attitude of wanting wealth quickly, of a willingness to take any shortcut, no matter the ethic. The one who works to earn over a long time, knows the value of things and how to manage. The one who obtains quickly, loses it the same way. Easy come, easy go. And with that, “trouble.” Those who believe this proverb, won’t waste their dollar on a lottery ticket, but will invest it instead.
November 27, 2012
Don’t head out into the darkness without a light to shine the way. Every morning we face a new day. Perhaps we think that the experiences of the days behind us will inform our direction forward, but who knows what a new day holds? Only the Lord. Stop stumbling and groping through life, blindly facing another day. Let God’s Word light your way.
November 26, 2012
Don’t be like the antelope that wandered from the herd only to be eaten by the lions. Stay alert and stay together! The Church is the body of Christ and we need each other. Begin your week worshiping together and gather during the week in one another’s homes, devoting yourselves to the Word, the fellowship, the breaking of bread and to prayer. Stay with the “herd” and stand firm together against the evil one.
November 25, 2012
Daniel learned to live for God as an exile in a fallen world. He understood his dual citizenship. He looked to the Lord rather than human government for hope. Understanding the temporary nature of worldly kingdoms, he trusted his future to God. Yet, the Lord lifted him up and called him to serve in a position of influence in Babylon.
November 24, 2012
It is not just the way we spell “Christmas” that is taking Jesus out of the season. It is the celebration of consumerism that is caustic to our souls. Why not join the Advent Conspiracy and “keep away from worldly desires” this season? Spend less. Give more. Worship fully. Love all. Put Christ back in Christmas.
November 23, 2012
“Think clearly and exercise self-control” – A good word on Black Friday. “Look forward to salvation in Jesus” – A good goal on any and every day!