Have you learned to live beneath your means? Wise stewards have learned to pay God first (tithe), pay themselves second (save) and live off the rest (budget). Stop following this foolish consumer culture. Live on less, so that you can give more!
Have you learned to live beneath your means? Wise stewards have learned to pay God first (tithe), pay themselves second (save) and live off the rest (budget). Stop following this foolish consumer culture. Live on less, so that you can give more!
Many parents teach their children: “Do as I say, not as I do.” But Paul teaches otherwise. He invites his spiritual children to follow him as he follows Christ. If you really want to influence others, let your walk match your talk.
How much trouble must you be in before calling on the Lord? Some call only when all else has failed. Others have learned to call at the first sign of difficulty. Like a child, they have learned to depend on the Lord for everything. Have you considered that troubles may come to teach us dependence on God? Sin and spiritual independence are related. Trusting and depending on Jesus is the antidote.
Like Paul, we preach an unchanging message to an ever-changing world. The message must stay anchored in God’s Word, but the methods may adapt to be culturally relevant. We desire to never add our traditions to the gospel, nor in an attempt to make it more palatable, subtract from its power. We will continually evaluate our methods to make sure everything we do is to spread the Good News!
The Jews had been exiled in Babylon for 70 years. Being back in Jerusalem, gathered together for a public reading of God’s Word, they were overcome with emotion. They stood as one man with tears pouring down their faces to hear the Word. They no longer took for granted the freedom to worship their God. I suppose it’s human nature not to appreciate such freedom until it’s lost. Of all people in human history, our generation has had more access to the Bible than any other. I wonder, do we “rise to our feet” to hear it?
A generation that believes the universe is self-existent has no need to be in awe of a Creator. They worship human intellect and pour out their passion on natural lusts. Believing they are mere mammals, they prove it to themselves by acting on baser instincts. But what if there is a Creator who spoke us into existence? And what if He speaks again?
Jesus has cleared our record of guilt. This does not mean that we are sinless, but that we are forgiven. This gives us the freedom to live in complete honesty with ourselves and others. We no longer hide our sin. We confess it, agreeing with God, and asking Him to cleanse us. What joy to be able to walk in the light of day, not fearing condemnation. No more excuses. No defending. Just depending on the cross of Christ. What joy to be free to live wholly for Jesus!
To those who think that Jesus was permissive on divorce, Paul reminds us of His command: Don’t leave your spouse. If Christianity doesn’t have the power to bring peace to your home, how can it claim to offer peace to the world? Don’t give up! Trust Christ to heal your marriage.
Your body is by and for God. What do you put in your body? Where do you take it? How do you treat it? These things matter to God. Not because He wishes to limit you, but because He wants to set you free to be what He made you to be. Do you honor God with your body?
Ezra led a remnant of Israelites back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. The journey itself would be long and dangerous, but they trusted God to protect them. Do you pray before a trip? Gather your family together before leaving your driveway and ask God to give you a safe journey.