July 18, 2012
Abraham’s faith was characterized by full conviction. He knew and believed what God had promised him. For us to have such faith, we must first know God’s promises and then, we can decide to be fully convinced that God will keep them. What promises of God are you believing today?
July 17, 2012
A psalm of David. He didn’t think it unmanly to sing to his God. This warrior/poet/king was a worshiper. The shepherd king who slew a giant is also the author of most of the psalms. His harp playing and singing were so spirit-filled that they calmed king Saul’s disturbed soul. David was once accused of being undignified in his worship. To which he replied, “I will become even more undignified than this!” Real men of God worship!
July 16, 2012
The law is a mirror, looking we see our sin. Some turn away and try to forget. Some put on makeup and cover up, pretending they are good. Others admit their sin and come to Jesus, being made right with God by faith.
July 15, 2012
Uncontrolled anger and lack of forgiveness are at the root of many hurting families and suffering souls. Keeping record of those who wrong us leads to isolation. Because eventually everyone will do something (intentional or not) to wrong us. Put away anger and start forgiving. Forgive as God forgave you in Christ.
July 14, 2012
We can learn much from David’s prayer life. God has honored us with the gift of life through Jesus His Son, even while we were “yet sinners” (Rom.5:8). As David said, God knows what we are “really like.” I’m so thankful that God has loved me and saved me, even though He knows what I’m really like. Aren’t you?
July 13, 2012
David wrote this song of thanksgiving for the Levites to sing on the day they carried the Ark into Jerusalem. Today, the very Presence of God abides in us through Christ. We are His tabernacle. If David had cause to celebrate, we have more. So, let us give thanks and proclaim God’s greatness to the whole world!
July 12, 2012
This is what “get-togethers” should accomplish– mutual encouragement of our faith. BTW, thanks to all for the birthday greetings today. You’ve encouraged me. I look forward to encouraging you back when next we get-together!
July 11, 2012
Have you seen this? This type of person will not take responsibility. They have to find someone to blame. God is a convenient scapegoat. Funny thing is… He has already made provision for their foolishness (sin) through Christ. If only they would repent (admit their foolishness) and believe, then they could know true life, full and overflowing.
July 10, 2012
Although a prisoner in chains, the apostle Paul became the spiritual leader of all those on board this ship caught in a terrible storm. The sailors, the soldiers, even the Roman centurion were all encouraged by Paul’s faith. The way we respond to life’s storms is often the platform God uses to give us authority to preach the gospel and to bring glory to Himself.
July 9, 2012
If every man treated his wife as a gift from God, perhaps marital bliss in America would increase. The idea of marriage is God’s, not man’s. The best instruction manual for how husbands and wives should treat one another is the Bible.