September 13, 2012
David wrote this psalm while hiding in a cave from King Saul. He was anointed to be king by the prophet Samuel, but Saul had other plans for him. There’s always a tension between our calling and our circumstances. We know that God has a purpose for us, yet it’s hard to see the next step while hiding in a dark cave. At times like these we “cry out” to God asking Him to “fulfill his purpose” in us. May He who called us bring to completion that which He desires in/for us!
September 12, 2012
The world will not stay as it is. A remaking is ’round the corner. There have been foreshadowings. Little Samuel sleeping in the tabernacle, hearing the voice of God. Young Jesus stumping the teachers in the temple. This part of Isaiah’s prophecy is yet to be fulfilled.
September 11, 2012
We are always tempted to lean on our own strength, thinking, bank account… But stripped of these, we learn to depend on Christ. Some of us are slow learners and need continual reminders. God is teaching us to rely on Him. Are you learning where to lean?
September 10, 2012
When Isaiah heard God’s call go out, he answered willingly. God is still calling messengers to go forth. Do you hear His call?
September 9, 2012
A fool says there is no God, but the wise seek Him. Ironic that the modern atheist claims superior intellect, yet God calls him a fool. The wise search for God, but cannot find Him without revelation. Jesus is the supreme revelation of God. Looking to Christ as Lord and Savior, God finds us. God is looking for seekers.
September 8, 2012
Isaiah begins his prophecy with a terrifying appraisal of Israel’s sin. Yet, before he even finishes the 1st chapter he offers this hope of forgiveness and covering from the Lord. Jesus is the fulfillment of this prophecy.
September 7, 2012
Practice the art of flow: One hand open to God to receive blessing and the other hand open to others to give. If we close either hand, we dam-up the flow of blessing. God wants you to be a channel of His blessing.
September 6, 2012
We really can’t give God anything that He doesn’t already own. Like children giving their father a necktie on Father’s Day, we have to ask daddy for our allowance in order to make the purchase. Giving God our tithes and offerings isn’t because He needs them. It’s because we need to give. Giving is our recognition that God is owner and we are His stewards.
September 5, 2012
Paul told the church at Corinth that they excelled in every area of ministry except in giving. He encouraged them to excellence there too. Giving is a habit that needs to be practiced. Like any other ministry, we grow in it as we do it. It is a sorely needed art in this culture of consumerism. It acts as a antidote to greed. Do you excel in the act of giving? Are you a great-giver?
September 4, 2012
The Psalmist saw God Himself as being present in his city, both as inhabitant and defender. I wonder, should we tour our own city and look for Him? Where is God at work here in this city? Where is He present? And how can we join Him in His work, here in our city?