“Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly” (Psalm 5:3)

July 7, 2012

Agreeing with the Psalmist this morning… Lord, thank you for listening to me. You are always faithful to hear my prayers. I await Your reply. Speak Lord, Your servant is listening too.

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe” (Psalm 4:8)

July 6, 2012

After years of running from Saul and sleeping in caves, David is thankful for a peaceful night’s sleep. Fear and worry can rob us of sleep, but trusting the Lord brings rest. Are you having trouble sleeping? Try reading God’s Word and praying before you turn out the light. Say “Goodnight” to God as you close your eyes and prepare to sleep like a baby.

“That night the Lord appeared to Paul and said, ‘Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well'” (Acts 23:11)

July 5, 2012

Jesus told Paul that the criminal charges and chains were really the means for his mission to stand before governors, kings and even Caesar himself. God can use our suffering as a platform for His gospel being preached when we are willing.

“Why are the nations so angry? Why do they waste their time with futile plans? The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against the Lord and against his anointed one” (Psalm 2:1)

July 4, 2012

On this July 4th I’m reminded that our nation was founded on the premise that earthly kings must submit to God’s order. To go against the Lord and His Anointed (Messiah/Christ) is ultimately futile. We are “endowed” by our “Creator with certain unalienable rights” our founders rightly observed. Kings and nations who forget this do so at their own peril. We do well to ask God to bless America. We do even better to ask Americans to bless God.

“The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and hear him speak. For you are to be his witness, telling everyone what you have seen and heard” (Acts 22:14-15)

July 3, 2012

Jesus’ words to Paul on the road to Damascus changed the trajectory of his life. God still chooses people to be His witnesses. Will you answer His call?

“The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe” (Proverbs 18:10)

July 2, 2012

The very Name of the Lord is a fortress. When you are discouraged or distressed, you can find encouragement in saying His Name. Have you yet called on the Name of the Lord in this way? Do you know the power He invests in His Name? And what Name has God raised to the highest place, but the name “Jesus.” Run to Him, calling out His Name and find salvation.

“After Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers and read it, he went up to the Lord’s Temple and spread it out before the Lord” (2 Kings 19:14)

July 1, 2012

Have you ever received a threatening letter or bill? King Hezekiah did. He took it to the Lord and showed it to Him. Is anyone or anything threatening your faith or stealing your joy? Take it to God. Spread it out before Him. Ask the Lord to respond. Put your hope and trust in God.

“On the first day of the week, we gathered with the local believers to share in the Lord’s Supper. Paul was preaching to them, and since he was leaving the next day, he kept talking until midnight” (Acts 20:7)

June 30, 2012

Since the 1st century, Christians have worshiped on the 1st day of the week. We continue to share in the Lord’s Supper. Perhaps we should bring back the all day preaching till midnight too. Those 1st century folk loved the Word! Think there’s any 21st century believers like them?

“Uzziah son of Amaziah began to rule over Judah… He was sixteen years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-two years” (2 Kings 15:1-2)

June 29, 2012

Among the seemingly endless lists of kings in Israel and Judah is the mention of this king who reigned 52 years and mostly pleased the Lord. But even he didn’t finish well. It’s a disturbing litany of failed politicians. It causes one to long for a good king, one that would reign with righteousness and mercy. One that would please God fully.

“So Paul left the synagogue and took the believers with him. Then he held daily discussions at the lecture hall of Tyrannus. This went on for the next two years, so that people throughout the province of Asia—both Jews and Greeks—heard the word of the Lord” (Acts 19:9-10)

June 28, 2012

I wonder what the modern equivalent of “daily discussions at the lecture hall” would be? How can we get the Word out like Paul?