When? Daily. Where? Large gatherings in the Temple and small groups in homes. What message? Jesus is the Christ!
When? Daily. Where? Large gatherings in the Temple and small groups in homes. What message? Jesus is the Christ!
Do others recognize you as one who has “been with Jesus?”
Worship means to ascribe worth to one who is worthy. It means to give what the recipient is worth. Worship should cost us something. Since Christ has saved us, He is worthy of our all. What have you budgeted for worship?
The central truth of Christianity is the resurrection of Christ. This is the message that Peter preached at Pentecost that pierced the hearts of his hearers. Peter was an eye witness of this resurrected Christ. Our faith rests on the historical evidence of the resurrection.
Christ’s strategy for reaching the world with the gospel. Can you think of a more profound way to spend your life? I can’t.
Peter learned that loving Jesus means more than words. Singing love songs to Jesus is good. But the worship that Jesus calls us to means that our love for Him looks like love for His sheep. Jesus still asks, “Do you love me?”
Jesus commended Thomas for seeing and believing. He blesses us today even more for believing without seeing. Do you know this blessing of believing in Jesus?
In many ways the story of David’s betrayal foreshadows that of Jesus. David wept at the Mount of Olives. He was betrayed by a trusted advisor. And his advisor later hung himself. The OT prepares us for the Jesus story.
How Jesus answered Pilate’s questioning. Pilate’s response: “What is truth?” We live in a relativistic age that questions the idea of absolute truth too. But those who “love truth” will see the truth revealed in Jesus.
The Psalmist describes both his head and heart’s response to God’s Word. He loves the Word and thinks about it all day. Is your heart stirred by the Word? Does it capture your thinking?