The night before Jesus was crucified, He prayed not only for the Twelve, but also for all of us who would believe the gospel message.
The night before Jesus was crucified, He prayed not only for the Twelve, but also for all of us who would believe the gospel message.
David fasted and lay on the floor praying for 7 days that God would spare his son. But the child died as Nathan prophesied. Afterwards, David bathed, went to the Tabernacle to worship, returned to the palace and asked for food. Those who have lost loved ones can learn from how David’s faith affected his approach to death and grieving.
Christians are not called to imitate Christ. They are called to abide in Him, so that His life is manifest in theirs. Our effort is not to do Christlike things, but to tenaciously cling to the Vine, so that His life flows through us to produce spiritual fruit.
What God told King David through the prophet Nathan. Biblical prophecy often has an immediate, ongoing and ultimate fulfillment. Solomon, son of David, is the immediate fulfillment, building the Temple of which David dreamed. But Jesus, Son of David, Son of God is the ultimate fulfillment of this prophecy. His throne endures forever!
Are you spiritually FAT (Faithful, Available, Teachable)? Great leaders are life-long learners. Can you show up on time and available for any task your God-given leader assigns? Do you take notes and read instructions? Do you ask questions and obey? Know-it-alls harm themselves, but FAT people prosper and grow!
How do you hide God’s Word in your heart? First believe it and receive it. Read, study and commit it to memory, so that it re-writes your thinking. When Jesus was tempted to sin (Matt. 4), He responded with Scripture. Memorize and repeat the Word to face today’s challenges.
Wake up sleeper. Come into the Light and walk no longer in darkness. Jesus is the Light of the world. Wake up!
Others may not understand, but Jesus defends the one who expresses extravagant and sacrificial love to Him.
A call to worship to the whole earth. Certainly this includes your house. So, get up, wash up, dress up, and show up at church this morning! And don’t forget to bring your praise.
The relationship between the Shepherd and His sheep described. The corollary is also true: Jesus doesn’t “know” those who don’t listen or follow. This is about relationship not religion. Does Jesus “know” you? Do you listen to His voice and follow Him?