Who is the one who would reflect all the glory to God and keep none for themselves? Such a one God will lift up and use. There’s no telling what God will accomplish through one who refuses to take the credit, giving all glory to God.
Who is the one who would reflect all the glory to God and keep none for themselves? Such a one God will lift up and use. There’s no telling what God will accomplish through one who refuses to take the credit, giving all glory to God.
Jesus’ answer for why a man was born blind. God can use our suffering to reveal His power to the world. But how we respond to suffering matters. We can decide to become bitter or better. Don’t waste the pain! Say “God, be glorified in my life!” Then, watch God move.
GIGO – “Garbage in, garbage out.” What are you feeding your mind and spirit? There is more input pouring non-stop into our lives these days, but more is not necessarily better. Take time to feed your soul. Turn off the torrent of media for a moment and READ GOD’S WORD!
What David said to Goliath. Where are the giants in your life today? Will you face them in the Name of the Lord? Not running away in fear. Not fighting in your own strength. But trusting the victory to God?
What Samuel said to Saul after he thought he could appease God with disobedient worship. We don’t manipulate God with our worship. It doesn’t satisfy His justice. He is looking for true worshipers, those that worship in spirit and in truth. Obeying God is worship. Love obeys.
Hebrew – checed (kheh’-sed) love, lovingkindness, covenantal love. David prays for God’s salvation, not according to his own merit, but according to God’s checed love. God answers the prayer of one who prays this. Jesus, Son of David, Son of God, is the answer to David’s prayer.
What Samuel said to Saul after he failed to wait on the old prophet. I must admit, I relate to Saul’s impatience. After all, Samuel was running late and Saul’s army was getting restless. Saul was worried about winning the upcoming battle when he should have been focused on being obedient to God. Be careful not to put God’s work before His worship.
We want to give back as we get. It’s hard to be the one who gives the “gentle answer.” Yet this is the best way to defuse an escalating situation. This isn’t being a “doormat,” letting someone run over you. It’s actually a position of greater control, speaking the truth in love (Eph.4:15), not seeking to win, but to understand one another.
Saul was busy searching for his father’s donkeys, but God had other plans for him. He asked Saul to “stay here” for a while. Hard to do when you have urgent duties. Yet, Saul stayed and listened and God made him king of Israel. Are you chasing the urgent when God is asking you to just “stay here” for a while?
for he said, ‘Up to this point the Lord has helped us!’” (1 Samuel 7:12).
Has the Lord helped you? How have you marked it? Put out your Ebenezer and let others know what God has done for you.