June 23, 2012
In today’s OYB reading Elisha (“El” – God; “sha” – saves/salvation) raised a child from the dead, multiplied a meal with leftovers, healed a leper, and was disappointed by a greedy disciple. Who else in the Bible does this sound like? Elisha is a clear foreshadowing of Christ. God was preparing His people for Jesus (“Je” – Jehovah; “sus” – saves/salvation).
June 22, 2012
The “worthless things” to which Paul referred was the worship of Zeus and Hermes. He contrasts them with the “living God” who is Creator of all. We are still called to bring this message to the nations until every tribe and tongue has heard.
June 21, 2012
Elisha requested this of his spiritual father, Elijah. God granted his request. Elijah (“The LORD is God”) foreshadows John the Baptist. Elisha (“God’s salvation”) prefigures Christ (Jesus – “The LORD’s salvation”). I wonder if God still answers prayers like Elisha’s? I hope so. I’m asking.
June 20, 2012
David wanted God’s plan and trusted Him to work it out. When you pray, do you ask for God’s plan or do you ask Him to help with yours? When we call Christ “Lord,” we are giving up control of our lives and yielding it to Him. He is either Lord of all or not lord at all. Surrender you plans to God. His plans are better than ours.
June 18, 2012
Throughout history wherever the Word has spread, believers have followed. Doing good in the world should be the result of having the Word in us. But preaching the Word to the world is our highest calling. Shelter, clothes and food are good for the body, but it’s the giving out of the Word that offers life to the soul.
June 18, 2012
Today’s OYB reading was full of angels. Elijah was fed and encouraged by an angel and an angel broke Peter out of prison (Acts 12). Angels seem to show up at key moments in the Bible, especially when one of God’s servants needs an intervention. I wonder what God’s angels are busy doing today?
June 17, 2012
Elijah prayed to the God of his fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Perhaps he referred to God in this way to remind his people to turn back to the God of their fathers too. God answered Elijah’s prayer and sent fire from heaven. May God send fresh fire for this generation of fathers today.
June 16, 2012
Fault-finding is easy, but love looks for good. When we focus on faults, we foster separation. But looking through the lens of love, we find forgiveness and oneness. Are you a fault-finder? Or have you learned the art of seeing others through the eyes of God’s love?
June 15, 2012
Peter knew the adventure of being led by the Spirit. He obeyed the Spirit’s voice and took the gospel to the Roman soldier, Cornelius. God still speaks to those who have ears to hear.
June 14, 2012
The Lord has allowed me to live to see the truth of this proverb. What a blessing to have grandchildren not only by blood, but also by Spirit. For God has blessed me to know both. I have three grandchildren (and one on the way) through the flesh. But I have untold spiritual grandchildren through the preaching of the Gospel!