Jesus told the man he had cleansed of demon possession to go home and bear witness to his family. He told his disciples the same: Be my witnesses in Jerusalem… Following Jesus, our first assignment is to witness at home.
Jesus told the man he had cleansed of demon possession to go home and bear witness to his family. He told his disciples the same: Be my witnesses in Jerusalem… Following Jesus, our first assignment is to witness at home.
God taught the Israelites how to treat foreigners by reminding them that they were once foreigners too. This principle should inform how we treat immigrants to America. It should also inform how Christians should love those who are “foreign” (far away) from God.
In our trouble, we cry out for relief and God blesses. In our blessing, we are tempted to sin and stop praying. How fickle we are. But God loves us enough to discipline us in the wilderness, so that we can be faithful in the promised land. Lord, move us from fickleness to faithfulness.
Where is death threatening today? In your marriage or other close relationship? Perhaps in your body as you’re getting older or the doctor has given a scary diagnosis? There are little “deaths” that we die along the road to dying. But our God saves. This salvation will overcome all death.
Your responsibility to remember what God has done isn’t finished until your grandchildren know. Teach them. It’s a job you can’t delegate.
The word “miser” is the root for “miserable.” If you want to know true joy, be a giver. Givers don’t worry about how their needs will be met. They leave that up to God.
“law” (nomos). In other words, it’s a summary or “second” reading of the law. Moses wrote this to remind them of what God had taught them before going in to the promised land.
Is there a repetitive sin area that plagues your life? Or a sin that you have trouble receiving forgiveness for? Come to Jesus. Don’t let sin overwhelm you. He has paid for them all. Why should you carry a debt that He has paid? Come, experience true forgiveness. Come and be set free!
What Jesus told Peter after he’d spent all night fishing and caught nothing. Are you tired and feeling like a failure after working hard without success? It seems reasonable that you should take time off. Yet, Jesus often calls us to go deep at times like this. Listen to Him. Don’t give up. Go deeper!
What Jesus said after reading from Isaiah in His hometown synagogue. Jesus was the fulfillment of over 300 OT prophecies. Yet, there are many more Scriptures yet to be fulfilled. Every one of them has a date stamp on it that only God can read. On that day, it will be fulfilled. That’s why God’s people must always be ready. Today could be the Day!