March 19, 2012
David trusted God for the victory in his life. How do you define victory or success? How could waiting quietly before God possibly have anything to do with succeeding? Only those who recognize that knowing and pleasing God is the highest success will understand David’s prayer.
March 18, 2012
Luke wrote his gospel so that it’s historical context was clear. He named the Roman Caesar, the Judean king, even the Jewish high priest at the time when John the Baptist started preaching. This does not read like myth, as some suggest. It is true history. We can depend on God’s Word.
March 17, 2012
Jesus grew mentally, physically, spiritually and socially. As you look at yourself in these 4 areas, which needs some growth? Are you healthy in these 4 areas? Are you growing more like Jesus?
March 16, 2012
David chose to sing praises to God in spite of his circumstances. Are you discouraged? Sing praises to God and be encouraged in the Lord.
March 15, 2012
How the people responded to the birth of John the Baptist. Oh, that every child would be welcomed with such expectation!
March 14, 2012
Grumbling is the opposite of gratitude. It is like poison, once bitten, it spreads throughout the body. Have you been “snake-bit” with an ungrateful attitude? Confess and be thankful, so God can heal.
March 13, 2012
Gabriel appeared to Zechariah during his time of Temple service. He came to announce the imminent births of both John the Baptist and Jesus. This was what Israel had long awaited. Yet, Z doubted. Do you doubt God’s good news?
March 12, 2012
What the angel guarding Jesus’ tomb said to the women. People still look for Jesus in wrong places. But He isn’t found in dead religion. He is found when we call on Him by name, receiving Him as Lord and Savior. He is alive and wants to live in us!
March 11, 2012
David pleads for God’s presence. We can too. Of course, God is omnipresent, but this is a prayer for His manifest presence. Let us pray the same on this Sunday morning: “Come Lord Jesus! Be present among us!”
March 10, 2012
Have you ever felt the self-condemnation and shame of Peter? Yet Jesus pursued Peter and restored him. Jesus will forgive and restore you too. Answer this: Do you love Him?