As the bronze snake was a symbol of suffering, so Jesus foretold His intent to take on Himself the source of suffering for the world, which is man’s sin, by being lifted up on the cross.
As the bronze snake was a symbol of suffering, so Jesus foretold His intent to take on Himself the source of suffering for the world, which is man’s sin, by being lifted up on the cross.
Jesus is passionate for God’s house. He burns with zeal for it to fulfill its divine purpose. Those who are filled with the Spirit of Christ know this. Because Christ’s zeal for the Church burns within them too!
I’m glad Moses and the prophets wrote. I’m especially thankful that the apostles wrote. The Bible is the single most powerful reason for worldwide literacy. But much more than that, it is the wisdom of God and contains the Gospel by which we are saved. Are you passing the Book on to your children and grandchildren?
The amazing adoption that takes place for us who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior! We become children of God! This transaction not only satisfies legal requirements, making us righteous before the Father. It begins a spiritual transformation within us, making us holy like the Father. Ultimately, making it possible for us to spend eternity with the Father!
What Jesus did for the disciples after His resurrection, He will do for us. Understanding Scripture requires more than literary wisdom and intellect. It requires spiritual rebirth. One of the marks of an authentic Christian is that Jesus has opened their mind to His Word. Do you love God’s Word?
Psychologists tell us we shouldn’t feel guilty, saying, “Guilt is a relic of religion.” But the Bible says they are fools. Do you know why we feel guilty? Because we are. Rather than denying or medicating our guilt, why not acknowledge it and let the blood of Jesus remove it?
I wonder how many of these prayers Jesus has prayed for us? How many times have we attacked or defamed His body without knowledge? Even more troubling, what about when we have knowledge and know better?
Plan for today: 1) Sing to the Lord. 2) Praise the Name of the Lord. 3) Proclaim the Gospel News that Jesus saves. 4) Repeat.
Do you want a church or home that stays clean? Or one so filled with children and new believers that there’s always a mess to clean up? Healthy homes and churches are messy, loud places, where someone is always shoveling and sweeping to keep it clean. But they are full of life and beauty at harvest-time.
That Jesus prays for us should not be underestimated. That the One who died for us also lives to continually advocate for us should give us unbelievable joy and confidence. So, repent quickly and return.