February 7, 2012
The Tabernacle was to be set up God’s way. The Church should be too. God has a pattern for it revealed in His Word. So, keep your lampstand filled with oil and burning bright, spotlighting the Bread of Life whose Church it is. And stay ready, unlike the bridesmaids in Matt.25.
February 6, 2012
Have you been grieving a loss? A loved one has died. Or a marriage or dream has failed. Your condition seems permanent, but not when you turn to the Lord. With Him, your tears may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Turn to Jesus and watch the sun come up again.
February 5, 2012
According to www.joshuaproject.net there are 6,954 people groups (out of 16,789 worldwide) still not reached. Most of these are in the 10/40 window. Who will go and tell them?
February 4, 2012
Number 5 of God’s Top Ten. This one along with #4 are “shalts” rather than “shalt nots.” This is the first command with a promise: long life. So, honor (respect, pay homage, give financial support, obey…) your parents. ‘Cause God said so.
February 3, 2012
The advice Jethro gave Moses should be heeded by every pastor and ministry leader. Leaders, learn to train and delegate. And church members, get out of the stands and get in the game. Ask your pastor or ministry leader how you can help.
February 2, 2012
God has ordained human kings and nations. They are ministers of justice (albeit imperfect). Jesus said to “render unto Caesar.” He didn’t call them to lawlessness. As April 15th approaches and we begin a presidential election year, remember your dual citizenship status.
February 1, 2012
God led the Israelites into an apparent trap against the Red Sea to lure Pharaoh out. The Israelites were terrified. Would God allow us to experience difficulty in order to display His glory, so that others would know Him?
January 31, 2012
The currency of the Kingdom is asking. A child holds out her hand for food asking and a mother gives willingly. Children are experts at asking. Adults forget how to ask. And they forget how to pray. What are you asking God for today?
January 30, 2012
Jesus taught the disciples the principle of servant-leadership. This kind of leader leads from the front, not the rear. This father does what he says. This mother models what she teaches. This manager helps others get promoted. This pastor isn’t working a job, but lives out a life-calling.
January 29, 2012
Don’t harden your heart like Pharaoh. Yield your life to God and join Him in His purpose. Be a witness to His glory. Join the movement to make His Name famous throughout the earth. What movement? The Church of course.