January 28, 2012
National statistics show that Christians are now just as likely to be divorced as non-believers. This shows the disconnect between our faith and our faithfulness. Should Christians suffer from “hardened hearts?” (As it turns out, this statistic was reported in error. Recent book by Shaunti Feldhahn, “Good News About Marriage”)
January 27, 2012
Don’t worry about what you will say when witnessing. When we are obedient to go, He is faithful to speak through us. You are called to bear witness to what God has done for you. Open your mouth and let God speak.
January 26, 2012
A Davidic psalm that described the torturous death of crucifixion centuries before it was used. These are the very words that Jesus spoke from the cross. He took our death, so we might receive life. He was forsaken, that we might be brought near and cry out “Abba!”
January 25, 2012
Rather than abort him, Moses’ mother gave her son up to adoption. Both Moses and Jesus were supposed to be killed as infants by the king’s command. Thankfully their parents feared God more than man.
January 24, 2012
Jacob’s prophecy over Judah is Messianic, pointing to the Lion of Judah, the Son of David, the Christ. Jesus fulfilled this prophecy and over 300 others in the OT.
January 23, 2012
A great prayer to begin every day and every conversation. Lord, guard my words and my thoughts. A prayer especially needed on a tired, dreary Monday morning.
January 22, 2012
Joseph forgives his brothers and offers to care for them during the famine. In spite of the years of slavery and prison, Joseph trusted God’s sovereignty. Instead of kicking against our circumstances and blaming others, we can learn from Joseph. We can trust that God is in charge, leaving the results up to Him.
January 21, 2012
Jesus directs this to His disciples who are able to understand His parables. There is an encouragement here for the preacher to set a table from the storehouse of both Old and New Testaments.
January 20, 2012
God never tires. He takes no naps, nor feels discouraged. God is omnipotent. And He sends His Holy Spirit to dwell in those of us who believe. Rise up believer! Declare your love for Him and draw on His strength! Rise up and be the world-changing overcomer God has called you to be!
January 19, 2012
Jesus compares God’s Word to a seed and the human heart to soil. He names types of soil that illustrate four heart conditions- hardened path, rocky, weedy, and good. Which is yours?