How one receives a Judeo-Christian Worldview. Let the Word of God rewrite your mental hard drive. For the Christian, this is the transformed mind of Romans 12:2.
How one receives a Judeo-Christian Worldview. Let the Word of God rewrite your mental hard drive. For the Christian, this is the transformed mind of Romans 12:2.
Both Judaism and Islam claim Abraham as Father. The sons of Isaac and Ishmael have been in conflict since their beginning. But the Son of God can reconcile this rift. For the true sons of Abraham are now born of the Spirit and not of the flesh (Gal. 3:7).
Much of human suffering is not due to God’s action, but to man’s own foolish choices. Here is a truth worth knowing: Sin = suffering.
Jesus reminded the Jews of God’s purpose for them– to be salty in a tasteless world. Only a little salt adds flavor, heals wounds, and preserves. Jesus now calls us to be salt and light in a wounded, decaying, and dark world, showing forth His glory.
When someone sins, should we play “Gotcha” and expose them? Or should we graciously offer a covering? This story is a foreshadowing of what the Son of God and of Shem has done for us. Jesus comes not to accuse, but to cover our sin with His own blood.
Jesus quotes Deut. 8:3 to overcome the devil’s 1st temptation. We can learn from Him. Fill your mind with God’s Word and be able to resist the evil one.
Good advice for a new year. Sin is crouching like a lion ready to pounce. Be ready to fight temptation. We are in a battle, put on the full armor of God!
And since that first day, the sun always comes up and a new day begins. A new page to write on and a New Year to bring glory to our Creator begins today. What will you do with 2012? Will the busyness of life overtake or will you focus on the important?
What the Lord Jesus declares to John can reframe our thinking as we approach a new year. Ask yourself: Am I ready for Jesus to come in 2012? Where am I seeking reward- here or with Him? What will I do for Jesus in 2012 that will require great risk?
Marriage is sacred. God sets it apart as an expression of His Trinitarian Oneness and as the means for raising godly children. Individuals and society experiment with marriage at their own risk. God is passionate about His purpose for marriage.