March 2, 2012
Striving for riches, we often find suffering instead. But when we follow Jesus, seeking first His Kingdom, He meets our needs along the way. Following is better than striving. When we drink from His cup, it may burn on the way down, but it leaves no bitter aftertaste.
March 1, 2012
In what hope or dream from God have you given up? Does it seem impossible to you now? Pray and cast all your cares on Him. All things are possible with God. He exposes our unmet needs, so that we understand that He alone can meet them.
February 29, 2012
“The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need” (Psalm 23:1).
The LORD is all that I need. All of my deepest needs are met in Him. All of my lesser needs are met as I follow Him. He alone is the focus of my following. My needs are met without worrying about them as I seek Him and His Kingdom first.
February 28, 2012
Not my bank acct or credit card. Not according to my reason or resources, but according to God’s. I will place my trust in Him today for the enemy I face.
February 27, 2012
We have divided minds and hearts. We even have divided believing. But trusting Christ for everything we become undivided in our devotion and in our believing. Exercised faith grows.
February 26, 2012
What have you given up for the Gospel? Time? Money? These represent symbols of your life, but have you yet bled for it? Most have not. Have you risked anything yet? Stop just hanging on. Give it up for Jesus!
February 25, 2012
This joy speaks of what Jesus said about giving: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Today, our church is hanging food bags to ask our neighbors to partner with us in feeding the hungry. Come experience the joy with us!
February 24, 2012
The 5th commandment says to “honor” your parents. This means to “give them their due.” What are they due? Respect & love? Yes. But also, financial support. Jesus warned the Pharisees about not caring for their parents. Children are to care for their elderly parents.
February 23, 2012
It is not burdensome duty, but beloved devotion that motivates a believer’s following. This is not the external pressure of the law, but the internal heart change that the Spirit gives. We joyfully choose God’s will until our wills come into alignment, wanting what He wants.
February 22, 2012
A truism for the family, the church and the nation. It starts with the parent who thinks their child’s sin is cute. It won’t be when its full-grown. This “winking at wrong” problem starts in the home and has spread to our culture. Parents, boldly reprove sin in your child!