The Great White Throne judgment is here described. As we approach the end of 2011, we should consider God’s approaching judgment. Only those whose name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life will enter into everlasting life.
The Great White Throne judgment is here described. As we approach the end of 2011, we should consider God’s approaching judgment. Only those whose name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life will enter into everlasting life.
What a worthless shepherd won’t do, the Good Shepherd will. The prophet foresaw a day when God would send a true and wise shepherd unlike the ones Israel had. Today, the church is the body of this Good Shepherd. How are we doing with the lost, young, injured and healthy?
Jesus fulfilled this Messianic prophecy along with every one of the over 300 in the OT. He rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey as the people shouted “Hosanna!”
What people will say when they see us worshiping the Savior as we should at Christmas. May we experience Immanuel, God with us, on this Christmas morning! Blessings!
True faith always involves both reason and emotion. We engage the mind to remember His Word and His blessings. We meditate on His faithfulness to us and our hearts are encouraged. Today, we remember and give thanks for the gift of the Christ.
Are you facing a mountain that all your planning and effort have failed to overcome? Don’t give up. Instead, look to the One who can move mountains to let you walk forward on level ground.
David understood that no man can tame the tongue (James), so he asked for the Lord’s help. This is a great daily prayer, especially for those of us that talk a lot. Asking the Lord to guard our mouths, we should also request that He tune our ears for listening. Talk less, listen more.
How the evil one is overcome. Stand firm in the salvation which was purchased with Christ’s blood. Remember and proclaim the word of testimony of what the Lord has done for you. Christ has already won the victory. Remind the dragon of this and he will flee from you.
The Greek philosophers taught that to “know thyself” was the beginning of wisdom. But the Psalmist says that God knows you better than you can know yourself. The answers you seek are not inside you. Self knowledge is best acquired by knowing the One who made you. Let Him tell you your true identity.
Our God is not just high and mighty to save, but near and willing to love us like a father, to sing over us like a mother comforting her child.