Why I love preaching to our WCCers. They love hearing the Word and having it correct their thinking. How do you respond when you hear God’s Word preached?
Why I love preaching to our WCCers. They love hearing the Word and having it correct their thinking. How do you respond when you hear God’s Word preached?
May we all on this Lord’s Day gather together with unveiled faces reflecting God’s glory as we worship and hear His Word. Lord, make our faces radiant with your glory (2 Cor. 3:18).
Recognizing God as Creator is the beginning of right thinking. Meditating on His infinite power, as the Psalmist does here, we learn to fear God and to have faith in His omnipotence. Does anything trouble God or wrinkle His brow? What is worrying you today?
The Spirit gives differing gifts, but all for the glory of God and edification of His people. Bezalel was uniquely gifted to fashion the Temple furnishings. His work was as important to God as the priest’s and prophet’s. How has God gifted you?
Is there something about watching and praying that aligns the body with the spirit? Jesus says so. Are you aware of what tempts you? Are you praying that God lead you away from it and deliver you from its evil grasp? Wake up sleeper and pray!
God told Moses to set Aaron and his sons apart for the ministry. God still calls people to be set apart for Him. When we see God’s calling on someone, we acknowledge it by the laying on of hands. But we cannot call. A true calling comes from God alone.
The Tabernacle was to be set up God’s way. The Church should be too. God has a pattern for it revealed in His Word. So, keep your lampstand filled with oil and burning bright, spotlighting the Bread of Life whose Church it is. And stay ready, unlike the bridesmaids in Matt.25.
Have you been grieving a loss? A loved one has died. Or a marriage or dream has failed. Your condition seems permanent, but not when you turn to the Lord. With Him, your tears may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Turn to Jesus and watch the sun come up again.
According to www.joshuaproject.net there are 6,954 people groups (out of 16,789 worldwide) still not reached. Most of these are in the 10/40 window. Who will go and tell them?
Number 5 of God’s Top Ten. This one along with #4 are “shalts” rather than “shalt nots.” This is the first command with a promise: long life. So, honor (respect, pay homage, give financial support, obey…) your parents. ‘Cause God said so.