Growing to maturity and faith sharing are connected. Too many Christians sit and soak. They think their learning equals maturity. It doesn’t. It only puffs up. Start making disciples and watch your faith grow in maturity.
Growing to maturity and faith sharing are connected. Too many Christians sit and soak. They think their learning equals maturity. It doesn’t. It only puffs up. Start making disciples and watch your faith grow in maturity.
Are you striving and falling short of your own spiritual expectations? Remember that it was because of God’s love and mercy that we are saved. Have you learned to rest in this truth? Stop your self-effort and learn to lean.
Work for those who employ us in such a way that it makes them want to know about Jesus. Remember, we are servants of Christ, so everything we do, we do for Him. The excellence of your work should be a platform for preaching the gospel.
Important qualification for pastors/elders. Like a relay race runner they must “hold firmly” the baton of the Word as it was passed to them. Their task is to pass it on without dropping it. How firm is your faith grip?
Don’t go to worship, bring your worship with you. Too many of us arrive at services dry and grumbling, then we rate the worship of others, hoping their worship will ignite ours. Instead, “Come” worshiping!
Theopneustos – God-breathed. The Bible is a spiritual book and it is spiritually discerned. It is not only for knowledge but for practice. It is useful. Christ uses the Word to wash us and to conform us to His image, preparing us for our wedding day.
Spiritual multiplication strategy. I teach you and you teach three and they teach three and we reach the world with the gospel. Two questions: Are you on the road for Jesus? And who are you taking with you?
Wisdom understands that our time here is short, so don’t waste your life. Live for God with passion, power, and a sense of Divine urgency. If the “length of our days is seventy,” then stop thinking of retirement. Let God use you up and all the more till the end.
Anything can come in or out. There is no gate or filter for what this one allows in his mind, heart and body. There is no control for what he spews out either. But the Fruit of the Spirit is love… and self-control. Let the Spirit rebuild your walls and be the guard at your gates.
Good leadership advice. Before promoting someone to lead, put them through a time of testing. See if they are FAT (Faithful, Available, Teachable), then set them apart and give them authority. Better to be short on leaders for a little while than to rush to raise up those who will disappoint and do harm.