This prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus came exactly 483 years (62×7+7×7) after the temple was rebuilt. Yet, one ‘seven’ remains to complete the prophecy of the 70 weeks of years.
This prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus came exactly 483 years (62×7+7×7) after the temple was rebuilt. Yet, one ‘seven’ remains to complete the prophecy of the 70 weeks of years.
A fool trusts himself while a wise man trusts God. Isn’t this the best definition of a fool? It’s also the root of sin. The attitude that says, “I will.” The wise person bends their will to God’s. Becoming wise we must root out all vestiges of self-will and fully submit ourselves to God.
Confession is agreeing with God that our wrongdoing is sin. God already knows our sin. In confession we admit that we know it too. Having agreed with God on sin’s name, we can receive not only His forgiveness, but His cleansing as well.
Better to put your hope in the unchanging Word than in the ever changing circumstances of this world. God’s Word will accomplish what it says. The one who wrote Ps.119 knew this. Take some time to study this the longest chapter in the Bible. List the different words used for Word (law, promise…).
Some bounce from job to job and deal to deal looking for their big break. Others keep their head down and work with what they have. The former often end up empty while the latter prosper. Be thankful and get busy with what you have now.
King Nebuchadnezzar learned this first hand after his pride caused him to over-reach. Pride takes many forms, some more subtle than others, even disguising itself as modesty. But God recognizes it. The heart of pride is in opposition to God. Better to humble yourself than be humbled by God.
Peter’s instruction to leaders still holds true. Live with the end in sight. Not in a morbid sense, but with a sense of urgency and anticipation. The end is always near. We will all face God. Live looking and praying for His return.
Happy and completely content is the one who reveres the Lord. This person fears the departure of the Lord’s presence. The one who says ‘No’ to the Lord develops a hardened and calloused heart that doesn’t notice His absence. Living life on their own they find trouble.
When sleep doesn’t come for busy thoughts, rise and give thanks. Turn your mind to the many blessings of God and thank Him for each one. Count your blessings. It’s better for sleep than counting sheep. And more meaningful too. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Since the Word was planted in you, endeavor to be good soil so that it grows and multiplies producing a spiritual harvest. Crave the Word so that you may grow thereby. Sow the Word so that others may know rebirth.