November 24, 2011
When sleep doesn’t come for busy thoughts, rise and give thanks. Turn your mind to the many blessings of God and thank Him for each one. Count your blessings. It’s better for sleep than counting sheep. And more meaningful too. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
November 23, 2011
Since the Word was planted in you, endeavor to be good soil so that it grows and multiplies producing a spiritual harvest. Crave the Word so that you may grow thereby. Sow the Word so that others may know rebirth.
November 22, 2011
Untested faith is not faith. True faith perseveres. There are trials and suffering in this world, but they are not meaningless. We have the choice of becoming bitter or better in these times. The faithful will not only endure, they will shine like pure gold.
November 21, 2011
In this day of Google search and multiple translations, we still need to memorize Scripture. It’s the best way to “hide” God’s Word in your heart. Memorizing and meditating on the Word overwrites the old hard drive with a new operating system.
November 20, 2011
The more you read Psalms, the more you recognize the words Jesus spoke. It’s as if God gave us the Messiah’s script centuries before. It’s one thing to say what the Messiah was to say, but it’s another thing to do what He was supposed to do. Jesus says and does all. He is the Capstone.
November 19, 2011
Those who are ‘talkers’ beware! Sin is on the tip of the tongue. Complaining, gossip, lying, filthy language, sarcastic joking and cursing are among the sins of the tongue. From where does this talk come? The heart. The tongue is a heart monitor. It reports what’s in the the heart. Only God can change hearts and tame our tongues.
November 18, 2011
I like Ezekiel’s response: “Lord, You alone know.” When Ezekiel preached the Word and prayed for the Spirit to move, the bones put on flesh and breathed. The preaching of God’s Word still brings those dead in sin to life and reconciles those who are spiritually separated from God. Preach to the bones!
November 17, 2011
We have good intentions when we speak. We say ‘I’ll get around to it’ or ‘I hope to do it.’ But God does what He says. His Word is written for us to see. His Word will not return void. Do you depend on God’s Word? On what promise do you lean? Believe and do not doubt. God does what He says.
November 16, 2011
When you receive praise for a victory remember to give glory to the One who gave you success. Don’t desire fame for yourself. It leads to pride and that to a fall. The same people that praise you will celebrate your demise. Live a life that makes the Lord famous.
November 15, 2011
Have you said ‘No’ to God? Think back to the moment when you stopped hearing from God and you’ll remember your heart’s refusal. Perhaps it was only a small nudge to talk to stranger or to turn back to a store clerk and smile, but that was the moment God’s gentle voice went silent. Don’t refuse the God who speaks. Say ‘Yes!’