David encouraged himself in the Lord. Lift your own soul up to the Lover of souls. Sometimes we are down without even knowing why, but God knows us better than we know ourselves. Cry out to Him.
David encouraged himself in the Lord. Lift your own soul up to the Lover of souls. Sometimes we are down without even knowing why, but God knows us better than we know ourselves. Cry out to Him.
Train – like one trains a vine, tying it off to the straight stake of God’s Word as it grows. Way – Towards God’s sunlight but also being careful to know the unique bent of the child so as not to break the will. This is guidance for parents and promise too.
When God comforts us in our suffering and trouble, He gives an overflow, so that we have an excess of comfort for those who are hurting in the exact places we once were. Healed people help hurting people best.
Even in the midst of his trouble, Job believes. He is hurt and angry, but he doesn’t doubt God’s existence nor His ultimate redemption. Reading Job is for those ready to go on in the school of faith.
Never dig up in doubt what you planted by faith. There is really only one work that has guaranteed reward and that is the Lord’s work. It’s worthy of your very best. The Father is already at work. Join Him.
Job cries out for One like Jesus. One who could stretch out his hands between heaven and earth and offer reconciliation. Christ is this Advocate who represents God to us and us to God.
The kind of church where the Word of God is preached (prophesied) and sinners have their hearts laid bare. This is the kind of church of which I want to be a part. Be present in our church, Lord. Nothing happens unless You show up!
Genuine faith is tested faith. Does your faith survive a loss? Or does it turn to bitter accusation or doubt? Job’s faith, like Paul’s, had learned to worship in plenty and in lack. Will you worship today no matter the circumstance? Will you say, “Blessed be the Name of the Lord!”
Make the Lord the source of your great pleasure and joy, the center of your satisfaction. And He will bring your desires into alignment with His, fulfilling them as He does. Focus on pleasing God and your desires will be met.
Esther won a beauty contest to become queen of Persia. God used her position to save her people. Why have you come into your position? Is it for your edification or is it a platform from which to announce the coming King?