Fruit is singular. One fruit with nine seeds, each a part of a triad of triads. These are not works. We can’t do them. They are evidence of being connected to the Vine. Abiding in Christ, we increasingly bear these character traits.
Fruit is singular. One fruit with nine seeds, each a part of a triad of triads. These are not works. We can’t do them. They are evidence of being connected to the Vine. Abiding in Christ, we increasingly bear these character traits.
When He releases us from our slavery to sin, He does not put on us a yoke of being under the law. Christ’s yoke is easy. He calls us to a life of grace. Are you carrying guilt or shame or failure to live up to even your own expectations? Allow Christ’s truth to speak to these. He will set you free indeed.
God is looking for those who worship in Spirit and Truth, those who worship not just in rote fashion, repeating words in monotone, but those who shout their praise from the heart! Don’t go to church to worship. Bring your worship with you!
Isaiah prophesied the resurrection of the dead. Jesus is the firstfruits, the firstborn from among the dead. Someday, at the sound of His voice, all the dead will rise. The unrighteous to judgment, the righteous to eternal life. Do you believe this?
How godly parents feel when their children act wisely. Every parent wants healthy and well-educated kids, but wise parents aim past the outward to the heart. They shepherd their child’s heart to know and follow God.
Sometimes we need a protector. Someone to stand guard while we sleep. Call on the Lord. He will defend you. He knows what is needed and when. Let Him defend your cause.
For real change to take place we must move knowledge from our heads to our hearts. All of us know better than we do. What we all need is heart change. Better to know and do one thing right than to know many things and do none of them. Pray for heart application.
David had a sense of God’s calling on his life. He wanted to live into that calling fully. He delighted to be what God wanted him to be. Do you believe God has a purpose for you? Do you pray for God’s will to be fulfilled in you? Or are you still asking for your own way?
A messianic prophecy. After the tree of Israel is but a stump, then the Messiah would come. This prophecy was fulfilled in Christ. He is the Branch that bears fruit. We are grafted into this tree by adoption. Believing into His Name we are God’s children.
Are you burdened by a load of care? Do you stoop under its load and feel unable to go on? Why not give them to the One who is able? Stop trying to tough it out and suck it up. Give your cares, worries, and troubles to God. He can carry them and you. Learn to lean.