God still calls. Who will hear it? Who will be like Isaiah and answer “Send me!” Not many, I think. Too many have ears for this world’s security and call. Only a few will hear and answer the Lord. What are you doing with your life?
God still calls. Who will hear it? Who will be like Isaiah and answer “Send me!” Not many, I think. Too many have ears for this world’s security and call. Only a few will hear and answer the Lord. What are you doing with your life?
There is a tendency for humanity to devolve (Not evolve. We’re not getting better.) when the Lord is no longer their God. Unanchored and adrift, their moral compasses reverse poles. North becomes South and vice versa. They celebrate their deviancy and call it freedom. Really, it’s slavery.
Are you having trouble praying because of wandering thoughts? Try praying empty before praying full. Pray out every troublesome thought to God. Name every fear and worry to Him. Pray until your mind is quiet. Then pray to be filled with God’s thinking. Be filled with the Spirit.
Uncontrolled anger is like a forest fire. It consumes all who come near it. Why do we get angry? Usually because we do not get our way or our ego is offended. Are you angry today?
Paul challenges the Corinthian church to let their giving be proof of their love. No one should have to encourage our giving to the one we love. Loving and giving are linked. God so loved that He gave. Our giving, or lack thereof, indicates our love of God.
A goad pokes one along the right path. A nail holds them firmly secure. Do you know and follow the words of the Shepherd? Have you submitted to His prodding? Are you held secure by His Word?
This is not merely expressing regret at wrong, but feeling God’s sorrow at our offense. This spiritual sorrow leads to a commitment to change, wanting no longer to offend God. This leads to our utter dependence on God to save us from our sinfulness, crying “Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner!”
The companionship and strength of two is only improved upon by a Third. Wise married couples will take their focus off of one another and put them on this Third Strand, who is Christ Himself. He is the glue that holds all things together.
In Proverbs, wisdom and righteousness go hand in hand, as do folly and sin. Parents are God’s instruments, called to shepherd their child’s hearts to Him. Your child’s folly is not cute. It is deadly. If you really love them, you will discipline them.
This is the great exchange. The Life took our death, so that we might have life. The Righteous One took our sin, so that we might become holy. The Son took the Father’s wrath that we might obtain God’s favor.