August 31, 2011
God finally speaks. Many today think they know how the world began. Men who’ve barely lived 50 years speak of 5 billion years and big bang theories. I think God laughs at man’s wisdom. I love science and history, but I love God’s revealed Word more. Someday, we’ll get the true answers.
August 30, 2011
Often the more broken we are, the more His Spirit leaks out to others. In our strength we get the credit, but in our weakness, God does. Stop trying to be in control of everything. Admit your weakness and experience God’s power.
August 29, 2011
Light to help us see what’s ahead and to find the path you desire for me. Truth to help us know what is masquerading as good, when it’s really falsehood and temptation. These are found in your Word. May your Word speak to us as we read it today. Lord, shine and speak.
August 28, 2011
David encouraged himself in the Lord. Lift your own soul up to the Lover of souls. Sometimes we are down without even knowing why, but God knows us better than we know ourselves. Cry out to Him.
August 27, 2011
Train – like one trains a vine, tying it off to the straight stake of God’s Word as it grows. Way – Towards God’s sunlight but also being careful to know the unique bent of the child so as not to break the will. This is guidance for parents and promise too.
August 26, 2011
When God comforts us in our suffering and trouble, He gives an overflow, so that we have an excess of comfort for those who are hurting in the exact places we once were. Healed people help hurting people best.
August 25, 2011
Even in the midst of his trouble, Job believes. He is hurt and angry, but he doesn’t doubt God’s existence nor His ultimate redemption. Reading Job is for those ready to go on in the school of faith.
August 24, 2011
Never dig up in doubt what you planted by faith. There is really only one work that has guaranteed reward and that is the Lord’s work. It’s worthy of your very best. The Father is already at work. Join Him.
August 23, 2011
Job cries out for One like Jesus. One who could stretch out his hands between heaven and earth and offer reconciliation. Christ is this Advocate who represents God to us and us to God.
August 22, 2011
The kind of church where the Word of God is preached (prophesied) and sinners have their hearts laid bare. This is the kind of church of which I want to be a part. Be present in our church, Lord. Nothing happens unless You show up!