August 1, 2011
Paul’s ambition should be ours. Do we have zeal to see the gospel preached to those who haven’t heard? Christ wants us to crucify our old ambitions and have them replaced with Christ’s. Christ came to seek and to save them which are lost. What’s your ambition?
July 31, 2011
How much of our lives do we waste changing our thinking from “mine” to “His?” We only worry about what belongs to us. Why not give it all to God? After all, it’s already His. What still belongs to you today?
July 30, 2011
Becoming king of Judah at age 16, he reigned 56 years, longer than any other, but he didn’t finish well. How you finish is more important than how you start. Christ followers shouldn’t retire when old. They should give themselves fully to Kingdom work.
July 29, 2011
Where’s the passion with which you began? Have you lost your first love? Fan into flames your spiritual zeal. Encourage yourself in the Lord. Don’t let serving others be a burdensome duty. Let it be your passionate worship!
July 28, 2011
“From, through, and to” God, so ends Paul’s doxology in Romans (“Doxa” – Greek for “glory.” “Logos” – word). We were made by Him and for Him. Is your life a doxology to God?
July 27, 2011
Does your walk back up your talk? Faithfulness is tested in the little things and in suffering. Will you keep the wedding vows (to God & your spouse)? For richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part…
July 26, 2011
Call on Jesus. Confess Him as Lord over every aspect of your life. Believe in His sacrificial death and resurrection. And be saved. Saved from the bondage of sin and the wages of sin, which is death. He has been calling you. Have you called back?
July 25, 2011
King Asa had a great start but a poor finish. In his younger years he sought God and followed His counsel. As an older king, he fell into his father’s sin, trusting his own wisdom. He died an angry, bitter and sick old man. Will you finish well for God?
July 24, 2011
The Holy Spirit abides in believers, so that He knows us better than we know ourselves. And He knows God’s perfect will for us too. Even when we don’t know how to pray, He intercedes for us.
July 23, 2011
Have you ever noticed how quickly a new mother forgets her labor as she holds her infant in her arms? So shall we forget our present troubles when we see Christ at His return.