God has spent His wrath for our sin upon Christ. When God judged the earth with a flood, those “in” the Ark were saved. Jesus is our Ark! All who are “in” Him will not see condemnation. Do you know what it means to be “in” Christ?
God has spent His wrath for our sin upon Christ. When God judged the earth with a flood, those “in” the Ark were saved. Jesus is our Ark! All who are “in” Him will not see condemnation. Do you know what it means to be “in” Christ?
David asks God to keep His eye on him and to keep him close and safe. Like a child asking a parent to “Watch me,” David asks for God’s favored attention. We can pray like this, asking for God’s favor and protection.
Are you teachable? You’re never too smart or too old to learn. At the heart of a teachable spirit is humility, so be humble enough to learn from others. Great leaders are life-long learners.
How David described God’s inspiration of the temple plans. God gave him both the vision and the understanding. I pray that we have such for our church!
Of Abraham’s faith. Are you fully persuaded that God can/will do what He promised? First, we must know His promises (hear/read/study), then we must believe that God will keep them. What promise(s) are you trusting God for today?
David brought his own thoughts and emotions to the Lord for understanding. He knew that God knew him better than he knew himself. Ask God to examine your thoughts. Allow His Spirit to bring your thinking into alignment with His and give you self-control.
Those who schedule daily updates have minds that run smoothly and virus-free. Daily meditation on God’s flawless Word is a spiritual discipline that purifies our state of mind. Have you decided to make this your habit yet?
God’s response to David’s desire to build a house for God. This prophecy has triple fulfillment: 1) Solomon built temple. 2) Jesus, Son of David, laid cornerstone for eternal temple. 3) Jesus will ultimately complete this house not made by hands. We are spiritual stones in this house.
The Psalms express every emotion of the human heart. This one questions where God is when trouble comes. The writer begins feeling distant from God, but as he pours out his heart, he is encouraged again. God is not afraid of your questions. Cry out to Him and be refreshed.
Paul did not hide nor withhold the gospel, even though it was the preaching of the gospel that had him in chains. Instead he used his chains as a platform to preach to Rome. He knew a freedom the world could not subdue.