Perhaps Paul’s greatest season of productive ministry took place while he endured being put in chains, shipwrecked, snake-bit, and then under house arrest in Rome. The darker the circumstances, the brighter the light of the gospel in Paul shone.
Perhaps Paul’s greatest season of productive ministry took place while he endured being put in chains, shipwrecked, snake-bit, and then under house arrest in Rome. The darker the circumstances, the brighter the light of the gospel in Paul shone.
Even though God is great, He has chosen little children to praise Him. He has ordained that the weak would silence the strength of His enemies. He laughs at those we consider great and bends His ear to a child’s praise. Teach your children to praise the Lord, your grandchildren to lift up His name.
Like Joseph in prison, God shows Paul favor no matter the circumstance. Julius, a Centurian of the Imperial Regiment, is in charge of taking Paul to Caesar’s court. Even a hardened Roman soldier is moved by Paul’s peaceful presence.
011 – “Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?”
Agrippa’s response to Paul’s testimony. That the Roman Gov. Festus would invite him as a religious expert is ironic. Agrippa was the last Herod to reign. He never married, sharing his throne and bed with his sister, Bernice. They heard a clear presentation of the gospel, so they are without excuse.
How the Roman governor Festus responded to Paul’s appeal. God had already revealed to Paul that he would carry the gospel to Rome. But in chains? God often uses our weakness to speak to strength. It would have been difficult to get an appt. with Caesar. Paul had an all expense paid invitation.
Of David. We were made to be image-bearers reflecting God’s glory, but our sin has covered us with shame. The only way to exchange these shameful rags is to be clothed with the righteousness of Christ, the very Image of the Invisible God.
Discouragement can be more disabling than disease. It steals your will and throws water on your faith. It immobilizes. But we have the Holy Spirit. He is never depressed. Be filled with His joy and depend on His power to act. Then, watch the gray skies turn blue again.
Give the gift of listening before offering your answer. Fully hearing what they say may change what you say. Who knows? Mutual understanding may result.
What Ananias told Paul, he spent the rest of his life telling others. What are you waiting for? Get up!
How does one run to a name? Pray the Jesus Prayer: “Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱὲ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν” (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner).