King Hezekiah took the threatening letter from Sennacherib and turned it over to the Lord. Is there a threat against you? Will you defend yourself? Or will you be like godly Hezekiah and give it to the Lord?
King Hezekiah took the threatening letter from Sennacherib and turned it over to the Lord. Is there a threat against you? Will you defend yourself? Or will you be like godly Hezekiah and give it to the Lord?
Paul’s farewell to the elders of Ephesus. Are we innocent of our generation’s blood? Will we give a good account of our stewardship of the gospel? Has it yet been preached to every nation?
Thankful to God today for the little things that we often take for granted.
Paul often had to work as a tentmaker to support himself, but when godly men came to help, he was able to devote himself to the ministry of the Word. The calling to support such men as Paul is as important as the calling to preach. Both are needed.
What can I say? Be wise. Talk less. Listen more.
God wanted to save the jailer and his family, so Paul & Silas had to go to jail. As wheat is crushed to make bread, so we become nourishment for others. How has suffering made you more available?
When we are following Jesus for the sake of the gospel, He Himself leads us. Sometimes He hinders, sometimes He opens wide a door. Taking the Word to the whole world as He commanded while staying spiritually sensitive to His leading is key.
In this chapter Elisha raises the dead and feeds a multitude. His name means “God is salvation.” His life along with his precursor, Elijah, point to the ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus. He prepares Israel to recognize Christ.
The Shunammite woman built a “Prophet’s Chamber” for Elisha. Rural homes often provided a room like this for itinerant preachers in the US. Would there be room at your house for such a one?
Today’s OYB was too awesome. Elijah caught up. Elisha gets a double portion. Paul and Barnabas preach boldly. But Ps.139 is where I landed today. “Search me, O God.”