What Jesus told his disciples after they returned from their “2 by 2” mission. Have you learned Christ’s rhythm of advance and retreat? The same Jesus who calls us to mission, also calls us to rest and recharge with Him.
What Jesus told his disciples after they returned from their “2 by 2” mission. Have you learned Christ’s rhythm of advance and retreat? The same Jesus who calls us to mission, also calls us to rest and recharge with Him.
Recognizing the brevity of life should put a holy urgency in us, a desire to live life like we were dying. Yet most wallow and waste their minutes, hours and days as if there were an unlimited supply. If you knew Jesus would call you home tomorrow, how would you live today?
This with today’s reading in Lev.11-12 makes for a revealing juxtaposition. Lev. details how touching a dead body or a bleeding woman makes one unclean. Mark shows how a touch from the holy Jesus has the reverse affect- the bleeding woman is healed and the dead girl rises again.
What Jesus said to the demoniac He had freed from possession. When Christ saves us, He sends us first to our families then to the world.
What is bearing fruit in your life? Worldly worry or the Word?
Anger and worry are a dangerous combination. Turn from it. Let God handle those who have offended you. Forgive and trust God for the outcome.
If you claim to be well, you will remain sick. If you admit your need, Jesus can heal you. What kind of church do you want? A hotel church for the healthy? Or a hospital church for the sin-sick?
How Jesus began His day. Do you have a place of solitude to begin your day in prayer?
Every time I read this description of the breastplate for the high priest, I try to determine which stone goes with each tribe. There are many opinions, but I believe that this first stone symbolizes the tribe of Judah, David, and Jesus. Both its first place and red color point to our Lord and Savior.
God never promised a trouble-free life. But He did promise to be with us through them and to deliver us from them all.