Jesus grew mentally, physically, spiritually and socially. Every year set a couple of goals in each category. Call them your Luke 2:52 goals. Ask God to help you grow more like Jesus. Then, depend on Him for change.
Jesus grew mentally, physically, spiritually and socially. Every year set a couple of goals in each category. Call them your Luke 2:52 goals. Ask God to help you grow more like Jesus. Then, depend on Him for change.
Do you seek counsel before making decisions? Success is often a matter of following wise advice. Be willing to humble yourself to learn from others. Surround yourself with godly counselors.
Zechariah had been mute for 9 months, when God opened his mouth. In today’s OT reading, God opened the mouth of Balaam’s donkey. God speaks. He even uses doubting daddys and disinclined donkeys.
Rather than asking for God to help me with my plans, I’m crying out for His. Fulfill Your purpose in/for me.
Literally, “He looked on me.” The Lord sees our need. By His grace He removes our disgrace.
Turn your worrying into prayer, your wasted self-talk into Divine petition. Then, rest. The LORD will “never” let you fall.
This cry was not a mark of failure, but one of prophecy fulfilled and the human condition felt. Jesus said the very words of Psalm 22:1 prophesied for Him. He who knew no sin became sin for us. He suffered separation so that we might be brought near to God.
So Jesus answered the High Priest. Since that generation has passed now, how will Jesus’ statement be fulfilled? Will the living and the dead bear witness to this glorious coming? Apparently. Get ready.
Are you teachable? Will you humble yourself and learn from one who has wisdom? The know-it-all will lose it all, but the humble learner will gain wisdom. Great leaders are life-long learners.
Is there an area of your life where you doubt God’s reach? God’s Word will not fail. His mighty arm will accomplish what His Word has declared.