Tuesday of Passion Week Jesus spent teaching in the temple. His words caused some to desire His death and others to receive His life. Do you “hang” on His words?
Tuesday of Passion Week Jesus spent teaching in the temple. His words caused some to desire His death and others to receive His life. Do you “hang” on His words?
What Jesus said to Zacchaeus, He still says to us. Is He a welcome guest at your house? A frequent visitor? Or does He “stay” at your house, abiding with you and you with Him?
Jesus told them this before entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, but they didn’t understand. They would before the week ended. Do you understand?
What Caleb said at age 80 when asked what land he wanted. He didn’t want to retire and play golf. He wanted the land of the giants. He wanted to finish well for God!
Where is the kingdom of God? It is found where ever Christ is King. You can’t have a kingdom without a king!
Neither the Written nor the Risen Word of God will save those beyond listening or conviction. Pray that their deaf ears are opened and their darkened minds enlightened, so that the spiritually resistant become receptive.
Some who want to continue in their sin say that they aren’t hurting anyone. But even so-called private sins ultimately affect families, churches, communities and nations. Achan’s sin brought trouble upon everyone. There are no “private” sins.
What God said to Israel, parents say to their children. “Open wide. Trust me. It’s good.” God is ready to fill us with good things, if only we will open wide to receive them.
We have been commissioned to deliver Christ’s Kingdom Banquet invitations. Are you giving them out? Because Jesus wants His house full.
Where are you terrified (anxious/worried) today? Where are you discouraged? Remember that the Lord is with you. The enemy can’t stop us, but we can stop ourselves. Be strong and courageous and depend on God!