Great leaders have both character and competence. Don’t make the mistake of promoting/electing without both. Those desiring to lead should vigilantly protect their integrity and humbly study to sharpen their leadership skills (Leaders are readers).
Great leaders have both character and competence. Don’t make the mistake of promoting/electing without both. Those desiring to lead should vigilantly protect their integrity and humbly study to sharpen their leadership skills (Leaders are readers).
Words from Moses’ last song. A generation after he died, the words came true. Has this American generation forgotten what our forefathers knew? Are we a nation “without sense?”
What do you treasure most? House, car, clothes, jewelry, computer, or money in the bank? Do your possessions possess you? Or do you use your possessions to win friends for the Kingdom? What you value reveals your heart condition.
This clarifies the choice we all must make. If only all could see this as clearly. Choose life!
Some recklessly scatter words throughout the day injuring everyone within earshot. Others have yielded their tongues to the Lord and wisely dispense life and blessing. Ask God to tame your tongue.
Are you a Mary or a Martha today? Have you made the Lord your one thing or are you worried about many things?
When the 70 returned from witnessing, the Lord was overjoyed. That’s what you feel when you share the gospel, the joy of Christ!
Christ was accursed that we might be blessed. He took our death and offers His life!
American consumerism is a slippery slope for those pursuing righteousness. Don’t lose your foothold. Live for what lasts.
011 – “‘But what about you?’ he asked. ‘Who do you say I am?’ Peter answered, ‘The Christ of God.’”
This really is the ultimate question and Peter answers rightly. How will you answer?