If you claim to be well, you will remain sick. If you admit your need, Jesus can heal you. What kind of church do you want? A hotel church for the healthy? Or a hospital church for the sin-sick?
If you claim to be well, you will remain sick. If you admit your need, Jesus can heal you. What kind of church do you want? A hotel church for the healthy? Or a hospital church for the sin-sick?
How Jesus began His day. Do you have a place of solitude to begin your day in prayer?
Every time I read this description of the breastplate for the high priest, I try to determine which stone goes with each tribe. There are many opinions, but I believe that this first stone symbolizes the tribe of Judah, David, and Jesus. Both its first place and red color point to our Lord and Savior.
God never promised a trouble-free life. But He did promise to be with us through them and to deliver us from them all.
Fleeing from Saul into the lands of the king of Gath, David was beset by fear on every side. So David sought the Lord. Are you anxious and afraid today? Seek the Lord and He will deliver you.
God’s instruction to Moses and the Israelites concerning how they should come to worship Him. You’re not just going to a worship service. You are to bring your worship with you!
– What God said to Moses. “Rock of Ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee.” – What I’m singing this morning.
When Jesus was arrested, Peter, one of the Twelve, tried to blend in as one of the crowd, following Jesus from a distance. This, after following so close was unbearable. Are you trying to follow Christ from a distance?
Trials and temptations often come in pairs. We can’t avoid the former, but we can watch and pray, so that we don’t fall into the latter. Be alert to that which tempts. Pray in advance for strength so you won’t be led into its trap.
David trusted the Lord knowing that the time of his birth, death, and every appointment in between was in God’s hands. Who’s in charge of your schedule today?