First, do the little things. Then, let God promote you to greater responsibility. If you’re unfaithful with little, having more won’t help.
First, do the little things. Then, let God promote you to greater responsibility. If you’re unfaithful with little, having more won’t help.
How the Bible came to be: God spoke and men wrote. Paradoxically fully human and fully divine, the written Word finds its fulfillment in the Word Incarnate. There’s no other book like it. Have you read it yet?
The spreading of the gospel to every nation is our commission. Fulfilling this call we hasten Christ’s return. Jesus calls us not to safety, but to significance!
Can you empty your heart’s concern upon the Lord as David did? Carrying all to Jesus our heavy hearts are made light and free to leap and sing! This will seem foolish to some. Only those who have been weighed down and then set free understand this.
As long as Moses held up his hands to God, the Israelites were winning. But when Moses tired and lowered his hands, that battle went against them. Moses needed men to come alongside him to hold up his hands. Do you help hold up your leader’s (Pastor/CG leader/boss/parent/coach) hands or do you let him carry the load alone?
Jesus’ correction of the Sadducees is an apt warning for today. For we are a generation of biblically illiterate and spiritually impotent people. Repent. Study God’s Word. Be filled with the Spirit.
What Moses sang after the Red Sea crossing. God’s love not only saves, it keeps us and leads us to His promised land. Rest and believe.
Nearly every miracle of Christ was because of an interruption. Jesus was on His way somewhere and “stopped” to help someone. Will you let God interrupt your journey?
Not only did the Israelites have to sacrifice a lamb, they had to eat all of it and apply the blood to the door of their homes. Have you received Jesus, the Passover Lamb? Has His blood been applied to the door of your heart?
This world’s appraisal of greatness is based on outward things- good looks, possessions, and money. But the Kingdom will judge greatness by inner things. The Kingdom will turn us inside out and upside down. We may be in for a surprise as to who is first.