Where are you still “wanting?” That is the very place that you are not letting the Lord shepherd you yet. Give Him your wanting. Then, trust the Shepherd of your soul.
Where are you still “wanting?” That is the very place that you are not letting the Lord shepherd you yet. Give Him your wanting. Then, trust the Shepherd of your soul.
For 2 millenia this prophecy is true. Every generation has told the next about Christ. However, it only takes one generation that fails to pass the torch to the next. Let’s be the parents and the church that teaches our children about Jesus!
David was inspired to write it. The Son of David actually experienced it. David had never seen a Roman crucifixion, yet Psalm 22 describes it in detail. Christ fulfilled David’s words 1,000 years later. This was no accident. Christ came to die for us.
Joseph was faithful to God no matter his circumstance. He went from favorite son to being rejected by his brothers and sold into slavery. Then, falsely accused and cast into prison, God lifted him up to the highest place in Egypt. Joseph’s life foreshadows Christ’s. Don’t be surprised if your life mirrors this too. Just be faithful. God is good.
In a culture of course and uncouth mouths, God’s people should stand out by what we don’t say and how we don’t say it. You can tell where a person is from by the way they talk. Where are you from?
Jacob sees life as a pilgrimage, a short journey on the way to eternity. Surely Abraham and Isaac taught him this. Seeing a heavenly ladder, wrestling an angel, and seeing Joseph alive must have convinced him of God’s promise of paradise.
That the Creator of the universe would even take notice of us is surprising. That He would feel compassion is miraculous. What joy! That our God loves us so.
And God has stooped down, offering His Son to us, exchanging His righteousness for our sin. In Christ, God stooped down to make us great!
There is a weed that looks similar to wheat until maturity when it bears no fruit. Some will question whether the seed was good. Others will want to pull up the weeds. But the purity of the church is the Lord’s job. Ours is to grow and bear fruit.
Whether enslaved or in prison, Joseph was faithful. Stop complaining about your boss or your situation. Bloom where you are planted. And God will give you favor with those over you.