November 12, 2022
TRUTH WILL EITHER SAVE OR CONDEMN There is only one way to be right with God. And that is to receive the righteousness of God through faith. It was Noah’s example and profession of faith that condemned that unbelieving generation who rejected God. For the truth will either save or condemn those that hear it,
November 11, 2022
DON’T THROW AWAY YOUR SHIELD OF FAITH After a season of suffering we are tempted to timidity and cowardice. We fear persecution and pain, so we hide from the fight. We lose a battle, so we retreat from the war. Yet, the Word teaches us not to “throw away” our “confident trust,” which is the
November 10, 2022
WHO WILL STAND IN THE GAP FOR GOD? The Lord told the prophet Ezekiel that He had looked for someone to “stand in the gap” of the wall surrounding Israel, but found no one. The physical walls surrounding Jerusalem were still standing at this time, but the spiritual walls were already breached. It wouldn’t be
November 9, 2022
GOD DELIVER US FROM WORTHLESS LAWS Many have struggled with the meaning of this verse. Some have wondered whether God was saying that He had given some bad laws to His people. Yet, the Bible says that God’s law is “perfect” (Psalms 19:7). Others have suggested that God was referring to the fact, as the
November 8, 2022
THE SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING OF THE TABERNACLE The Holy Spirit was the inspiration for understanding the meaning of the Tabernacle and how it pointed to its fulfillment in Christ. For the place called the “Most Holy Place” is a reference to the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle, wherein the High Priest was only able to
November 7, 2022
DO YOU HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE OR GRUMBLING? It wasn’t external enemies that kept the Israelites out of the Promised Land. It was their own internal strife and grumbling among themselves. They complained about the food. They complained against their leader, Moses. They complained against going into the Promised Land. But really they were
November 6, 2022
A BETTER HOPE The law can reflect, but not perfect. The law itself is perfect. For it is from God, but it has no power to make perfect. It is like a mirror that reveals our sinful imperfection, but it has no power to remove it. Instead of bringing us closer to God, the law
November 5, 2022
GOD’S MORNING MESSAGE Rising up early in the morning, Ezekiel received a message from the Lord. No internet, no morning news, no ESPN updates, no emails, no personal plans, just the Word. God’s Word came to him and there was no room for anything else. His day was decided because he heard a message from
November 4, 2022
HOPE LIKE A ROPE Christian hope is not like the world’s hope. It isn’t like saying “I hope it doesn’t rain this weekend.” For that hope is a mere wish built on nothing but a desire. Christian hope is like a rope, anchored in the historical resurrection of Jesus Christ in the past, taken hold
November 3, 2022
MILK OR MEAT? The author of Hebrews explained that the basic teachings about Christ had to be covered again with them, because they were not growing in their understanding of God’s Word. They had been believers so long that they ought to be teaching others, but they were still like spiritual babes who needed to