August 14, 2022
THE CALL TO PREACH THE GOOD NEWS When I was young, my grandmother told me that she thought I was going to be a preacher when I grew up. I disagreed and insisted I was going to raise chickens with Papaw. Turns out, she was right. God called me to preach. But I do still
August 13, 2022
LEARNING TO SAY NO TO THINGS THAT DON’T MATTER Nehemiah knew when to say “Yes” and when to say “No.” He was focused on rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and he didn’t have time for distractions, especially for those that meant him harm. Learning when to say “No” may be one of the most important
August 12, 2022
DON’T BE ABSORBED BY TEMPORARY CONDITIONS Are you weeping over a loss today? Be mindful that the Lord will soon wipe away every tear (Rev. 21:4), turning your mourning into dancing (Psa. 30:11). Are you rejoicing in your blessings today? Wonderful. Yet, let the One who blesses be the focus of your joy, rather than
August 11, 2022
DOES GOD FORGET HIS PROMISES? When Nehemiah heard the report about the broken down condition of Jerusalem’s walls, he fasted and prayed with weeping. As he poured out his heart to God, he reminded God to “remember” His Word. This seems a little strange doesn’t it? Asking the omniscient God to “remember” His own Word?
August 10, 2022
REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE AND WHOSE YOU ARE When Paul wrote this to the Corinthians he was primarily addressing the problem of sexual sin that was so prevalent in their culture. Believers were to live differently than the culture around them. This was not a call to an outward asceticism, but a reminder of an
August 9, 2022
GOD’S SPIRITUAL EKG Our self-awareness is limited. And we rarely hold a mirror up to our own attitudes and actions. We tend to judge others harshly, but we always have an excuse for our own shortcomings and sins. In our hypocrisy, we often declare ourselves righteous in our own eyes. Yet the Lord knows us
August 8, 2022
THE NEW SPIRITUAL REALITY: WE ARE GOD’S FAMILY! Paul reminded the Corinthians of their spiritual relationship to him. He had become their spiritual father because he was the one who had first preached the Gospel to them. Yet, they were treating him disgracefully by comparing him to other preachers, such as Apollos, who had come
August 7, 2022
WHO GETS THE CREDIT? Paul was concerned with the church at Corinth because of reports that there were divisions among them concerning which teacher they followed. Some were claiming to be followers of Paul and others, followers of Apollos. This was heartbreaking news to Paul, for he knew the foundation he had laid when he
August 6, 2022
WE CAN KNOW Have you ever been asked how you can know that God has saved you? The question may come from someone who lacks assurance of salvation themselves, so they want to understand from where you get your confidence. Or the question may come from an agnostic who wishes to challenge the basis for
August 5, 2022
GOD WILL FULFILL HIS WORD King Cyrus of Persia enabled the Jews who had been captured by the Babylonian king to return to Jerusalem for the rebuilding of their temple. Persia (modern day Iran) overthrew Babylon and showed favor to the Jews by not only allowing their return, but also giving back whatever temple implements