August 6, 2022
WE CAN KNOW Have you ever been asked how you can know that God has saved you? The question may come from someone who lacks assurance of salvation themselves, so they want to understand from where you get your confidence. Or the question may come from an agnostic who wishes to challenge the basis for
August 5, 2022
GOD WILL FULFILL HIS WORD King Cyrus of Persia enabled the Jews who had been captured by the Babylonian king to return to Jerusalem for the rebuilding of their temple. Persia (modern day Iran) overthrew Babylon and showed favor to the Jews by not only allowing their return, but also giving back whatever temple implements
August 4, 2022
DOES THE LOCAL CHURCH HAVE THE SPIRITUAL GIFTS IT NEEDS? Paul told the Corinthian church that it already had every spiritual gift that it needed. Is this true for every church? Does God give every local body of believers every spiritual gift that they need to stand faithful until Christ’s return? Perhaps it is an
August 3, 2022
DID PAUL GO TO SPAIN? What we know from Scripture is that Paul did indeed visit Rome, carried there to appear before Caesar under Roman guard. According to the final verses in Acts (Acts 28:30-31), Paul was held under house arrest in Rome for two years awaiting trial, yet had great freedom to preach and
August 2, 2022
DO YOU KNOW THE BLESSINGS OF FELLOWSHIP? As the apostle Paul concluded his epistle to the Romans, he expressed his great desire to come and visit with them. He didn’t know when he would be able to come to Rome. He hoped to one day carry the gospel to Spain and stop off at Rome
August 1, 2022
THE OLD TESTAMENT IS FOR OUR INSTRUCTION AND HOPE The apostle Paul declared that the Old Testament was written for our instruction and hope. Although as Christians we live under the New Covenant of grace and are not under the authority of the Old Covenant law, we are still encouraged to learn and be encouraged
July 31, 2022
AIM FOR HARMONY IN THE CHURCH Literally, Paul said that believers are to “pursue peace” and edify one another. Yet, the NLT’s use of the word “harmony” is appropriate because it captures Paul’s desire to preserve unity in the church, while allowing for diversity of individual conscience. The point of harmony in music is that
July 30, 2022
SPIRITUAL AND GOSPEL URGENCY The apostle Paul urged believers to get serious about their faith because of the lateness of the hour. This calls for spiritual urgency, because we must put off sin and any hindrance that belongs to the flesh, so that we might finish the race of life well. It calls for gospel
July 29, 2022
LEARN TO ENJOY THE COMPANY OF ORDINARY PEOPLE Look for someone “ordinary,” or as in the KJV, someone of “low estate,” to sit with next Sunday at church. Stop avoiding those that you feel are beneath you or who make you feel uncomfortable by their lower social status or awkward demeanor. And stop acting like
July 28, 2022
LEAVING A LEGACY OF BLESSING Righteous parents who live a life of integrity, leave a legacy that continues to bless their children. Integrity is that crucial character trait of consistency and incorruptibility, so that one’s walk matches one’s talk. They are the same in private as they are in public. Because children see both the