July 29, 2022
LEARN TO ENJOY THE COMPANY OF ORDINARY PEOPLE Look for someone “ordinary,” or as in the KJV, someone of “low estate,” to sit with next Sunday at church. Stop avoiding those that you feel are beneath you or who make you feel uncomfortable by their lower social status or awkward demeanor. And stop acting like
July 28, 2022
LEAVING A LEGACY OF BLESSING Righteous parents who live a life of integrity, leave a legacy that continues to bless their children. Integrity is that crucial character trait of consistency and incorruptibility, so that one’s walk matches one’s talk. They are the same in private as they are in public. Because children see both the
July 27, 2022
FAITH COMES BY HEARING THE GOSPEL Faith requires something to believe. It needs an object as it’s anchor. It’s not so much the amount, nor the quality of faith that matters. It’s the reality and quality of the object of one’s faith that counts. The more dependable and true the object, the more faith is
July 26, 2022
DON’T FACE TROUBLE ALONE Is anyone in trouble? Cry out to the Lord. You don’t have to face trouble alone. For the Lord will answer those who call on His name. Yet, we often try to keep our trouble to ourselves. We say, “I got this.” When we know that we don’t. Rather than turning
July 25, 2022
ARE YOU FULLY COMMITTED TO THE LORD? King Asa started well but finished poorly. Born in the line of David, king of Judah, he tore down the high places and Asherah poles, deposed his evil grandma, and overcame the million man army from Ethiopia with God’s help. Yet later in life, he trusted his accumulated
July 24, 2022
TRUSTING GOD’S GOOD PURPOSE FOR US Are you facing a time of difficulty and wondering where God is today? Have you gone through a time of suffering and questioning how God can possibly allow it, much less, use it? Or maybe you’re filled with shame because of your past sins and poor choices and you
July 23, 2022
PRESENT SUFFERING COMPARED TO ETERNAL GLORY We have been given the Spirit of Christ to abide in us, so that we have help in the present and hope for the future. Yet our bodies, and indeed all creation, groans in this present age of sorrow and suffering, while we await this future glory. Yet the
July 22, 2022
NO CONDEMNATION IN JESUS The phrase “those who belong to” in the translation of this verse is actually much more simply stated in the original Greek. It is literally: “Now no condemnation in Christ Jesus.” But what does it mean to be “in” Christ? Certainly, it must mean to “belong” to Him. Yet, perhaps the
July 21, 2022
THE NEW WAY OF LIVING It is impossible to serve and please God by following a checklist. Legalism does not please God as it only reveals our unrighteousness and prideful hearts. For the harder we try to keep the law, the more the law reveals our shortcomings. But the “new way of living” is not
July 20, 2022
WAGES ARE EARNED BUT GIFTS ARE RECEIVED The word translated “wages” was used to denote a Roman soldier’s pay during Paul’s time. So, “wages” are earned. Since we are all sinners (Rom. 3:23), we have all earned death. Death is the just desert for a life of sin. This death is not only the death