May 17, 2022
OUR HEART CONDITION AFFECTS OUR PERCEPTION This biblical proverb teaches the importance that attitude has on perception. If someone is “despondent,” meaning disheartened or discouraged, then even a sunny day appears stormy to them. But even on the darkest of days the one with a “happy heart” looks for a rainbow. Yet, how do
May 16, 2022
THE SUCCESS PRINCIPLES SEEN IN DAVID AND SAUL David was an obedient and enthusiastic servant of King Saul. And God gave David success. At first, his success led to the king’s favor, but as his victories grew, Saul’s favor turned to jealousy. In all of this, God was at work, moving Saul out and David
May 15, 2022
THE NAME THAT IS GREATER THAN THE GIANT YOU FACE What David said to Goliath as they closed for battle revealed his heart and passion for God’s great name. Surely the giant was both impressive and terrifying to behold. He was a giant of a man, nine feet tall, dressed in the finest armor and
May 14, 2022
JESUS NEITHER CONDEMNS NOR CONDONES OUR SIN Jesus mediated between the adulteress and her accusers, yet still called her out of her sinful lifestyle. For Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world, but that through Him it might be saved (John 3:17). As the Son of God, He is both the
May 13, 2022
KING SAUL, A STUDY IN LEADERSHIP FAILURE It’s heart-breaking to read the stories about King Saul, Israel’s first king. Although he reigned for 40 years, his leadership style was fraught with short-sighted and ill-conceived tactics, blustering, macho-inspired dictates, people-pleasing priorities, and most of all – a failure to seek God first in all things. Even
May 12, 2022
THE CHALLENGE OF SHARING YOUR FAITH WITH FAMILY Jesus had four younger half-brothers named James, Joses, Judas and Simon and several unnamed sisters (Mark 6:3) by his mother, Mary and his adopted father, Joseph. Prior to Christ’s resurrection his brothers didn’t believe in him. We don’t read much about them, but here John records how
May 11, 2022
THE SOURCE OF TRUE SATISFACTION The psalmist declared that thanksgiving is due to the Lord for His wonderful goodness and mercy. For God is the only one who can truly satisfy the longing of the human soul. There is a thirst and a hunger that the body knows. God created this in man that
May 10, 2022
BEWARE VIEWING HUMAN GOVERNMENT AS THE ANSWER When Samuel was getting old, the people of Israel came to him, asking for a king. The request displeased Samuel, so he went to the Lord with it. The Lord told him to give them what they want, for they had not rejected Samuel, but they had rejected
May 9, 2022
GOD WILL NOT SHARE HIS WORSHIP WITH ANOTHER The Philistines had defeated the Israelites in battle and had captured the Ark of the Lord. They assumed that the Ark would make a nice addition to their temple to Dagon, so they placed it next to the idol of Dagon. The Philistines had been a
May 8, 2022
HAVE YOU LEARNED TO LISTEN FOR GOD’S VOICE? While young Samuel was sleeping in the Tabernacle he was awakened a fourth time by the voice of the Lord calling him. The first three times he ran to Eli, thinking the old priest was calling him. He didn’t yet recognize God’s voice. After the third time,