June 27, 2022
PAUL’S TENTMAKER MINISTRY When Paul met the Jewish tent-making couple, Aquila and Priscilla, in the city of Corinth, he found true partners in ministry and work. Paul often had to find work in order to support his ministry. He was a bivocational church-planter and he needed work that provided a sufficient income with flexible hours.
June 26, 2022
THREE RESPONSES TO THE GOSPEL The apostle Paul was called before the high council of Athens, which met at the Areopagus (“Mars Hill”), where they invited him to explain what he was teaching. For the Athenians were known for their interest in new philosophies, many of them spending much of their time discussing new ideas.
June 25, 2022
DAVID’S RESPONSE TO DEEP DEPRESSION David prayed that the Lord would give a quick answer to his need. For he was in a deep depression. David despaired that God would either wait in answering or even worse, turn away from him. Depression can make even the most committed believer feel that God has forsaken them.
June 24, 2022
THE DISAGREEMENT OVER JOHN MARK Paul wanted to travel to check on the new believers that had come to faith on their first missionary journey. Barnabas agreed. However, they disagreed on taking John Mark with them again. Apparently, Paul considered the young man unreliable after he had “deserted them” and went home early on their
June 23, 2022
ONLY ONE WAY OF SALVATION After certain Judaizers came to Antioch, teaching that circumcision was required for salvation, Paul and Barnabas were sent to bring the question to the apostles at Jerusalem. After much deliberation, Peter stood and reminded everyone that he had been the first one chosen to carry the gospel to the Gentiles.
June 22, 2022
THE OFTEN OVERLOOKED MEDICINE Solomon was given wisdom from God to write many proverbs on many topics. Among them, is this proverb on the connection between body, mind, and spirit, and how the health of one affects the other. Modern medicine attempts to treat the body absent the soul and spirit, often failing to recognize
June 21, 2022
RELY ON THE GRACE OF GOD, NOT MEN In town after town, as people came to faith after hearing the gospel proclaimed by Paul and Barnabas, they would begin to follow them. But the two men always urged the people to rely on the grace of God, not men. For Paul and Barnabas wanted them
June 20, 2022
WHOSE PLANS ARE YOU TRYING TO FOLLOW? Even in the midst of troubles, David trusted that the Lord was at work in his life. For even when things didn’t go according to his own plans, he believed in the faithful love of God to work out His plans for his life. David trusted that God
June 19, 2022
A PRAYER SERVICE THAT BECAME A COMMISSIONING SERVICE Five key leaders in the Antioch church were fasting and praying one day when the Spirit spoke to them. The Scripture does not say how the Spirit communicated. Did all of the men or only one hear the instruction? Was it an audible voice or an internal
June 18, 2022
BEWARE THE VALLEY THAT FOLLOWS THE MOUNTAIN TOP Elijah, in the power of the Spirit, called fire down from heaven and defeated the 450 prophets of Baal. He called on God to break a 3-year drought and the rains came pouring down. He pulled up his robe and outran King Ahab’s chariot in sandaled feet.